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Thread: Copy: series of questions about elementals energies

  1. #1

    Copy: series of questions about elementals energies

    Most of these are about the use of elements I do have one about energy in general howerver.

    1. I read the second edition of energy worok on a website, where you mentioned veries places to absorb high levels of energy, IE during storms, waterfalls beaches etc.

    When absorbing energy from these places such as say a storm will we also be absorbing elementgal energies as well without concious effort/intent? reason I ask is, I was doing energy raising session during a storm, may hands and fore arms began to feel tingely and cool. like I had absorbed air and water ( and possbility metel/electricial) energy as well.

    2. Can absorbing elemental energies aid in our resistance to physcial elements. Like becoming more tolerant of intense heat or electricity? and if so what would be the best element to absorb to increase that resistacne? say would absorbing fire build up heat resistance? or would water be better for heat resistance?

    3. I had another question about elemetnal energy but i can't remember what it was so, I'm gona skip it for now and ask another question. it's about high energy in the blood stream. I don't know if energy can be places in the blood or not, it makes sense that it would.

    I was considering donating blood to the university, but i kidna hesitated because I wondered if the possilbe high energy in my blood would cause harm to the reciever, if that makes sense at all.

    4. Funny I would remember this question now. It goes along with question 2. I'm practicing pulling in elemental energy into my body and imagining it reinforcing my body. 'm learning the Iron Shirt breathing packing process and I figured that imagining, for example, my arms absorbing ice energy and compressing it within my arm would make it as durable as a block of ice, we know how hard those can get.

    please tell me your thoughts on this, thank you
    It is my destiny to play an infinity of roles, but I'm not the roles I play, I am the Spirit that plays these roles

  2. #2
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    Re: series of questions about elementals energies

    Quote Originally Posted by IronGega View Post
    Most of these are about the use of elements I do have one about energy in general howerver.

    1. I read the second edition of energy worok on a website, where you mentioned veries places to absorb high levels of energy, IE during storms, waterfalls beaches etc.

    When absorbing energy from these places such as say a storm will we also be absorbing elementgal energies as well without concious effort/intent? reason I ask is, I was doing energy raising session during a storm, may hands and fore arms began to feel tingely and cool. like I had absorbed air and water ( and possbility metel/electricial) energy as well.
    I think so. We absorb whatever environmental energy there is, but putting intention into it makes it more selective.

    2. Can absorbing elemental energies aid in our resistance to physcial elements. Like becoming more tolerant of intense heat or electricity? and if so what would be the best element to absorb to increase that resistacne? say would absorbing fire build up heat resistance? or would water be better for heat resistance?
    Good question- in the past, I have used the opposite element to reduce the effect of whatever I want to alleviate- for example, if I'm cold (magnetic/water) I use fire to counteract it and balance- however, I don't know if this really answers your question.
    I think when it comes to elemental energies, you have to see what they do, not just what they are.

    3. I had another question about elemetnal energy but i can't remember what it was so, I'm gona skip it for now and ask another question. it's about high energy in the blood stream. I don't know if energy can be places in the blood or not, it makes sense that it would.
    Blood carries oxygen, which is important for energy metabolism. When it comes to hermetic elements, it's part water (it flows) it's part fire (it's warm and red) and part earth (very little- because it's cohesive and supports life) and very little air, because it carries oxygen, and aids the lungs (hence:air.) But mostly, I'd say water and fire.

    I was considering donating blood to the university, but i kidna hesitated because I wondered if the possilbe high energy in my blood would cause harm to the reciever, if that makes sense at all.
    I think someone who has been in the situation of needing to receive blood would rather, since they need it to live. Anyway, what's 'high energy' and why would it be bad?

    4. Funny I would remember this question now. It goes along with question 2. I'm practicing pulling in elemental energy into my body and imagining it reinforcing my body. 'm learning the Iron Shirt breathing packing process and I figured that imagining, for example, my arms absorbing ice energy and compressing it within my arm would make it as durable as a block of ice, we know how hard those can get.

    please tell me your thoughts on this, thank you
    I don't know what the question is here.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: series of questions about elementals energies

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I think someone who has been in the situation of needing to receive blood would rather, since they need it to live. Anyway, what's 'high energy' and why would it be bad?
    it would be 'bad' in the same sense that they're bodies might not be prepared for it. my theory is, if they are used to low energy, and they receive an intense amount of high energy, will theri body have a negative reation to it because they aren't used to it

    I don't know what the question is here.
    The process of packing energy, some martial artsits used a art sometimes called "water Force" they would imagine thier bodies filled with water and as hard as ice, but only when they were struck with something.

    they would try to make their bodies a ridged as ice, but train theri sub concious mind to counter act the blow by replicating itself as ice.

    basically i'm asking in term of can we use elements to enhance our bodies physcially not just on a energetic level.
    It is my destiny to play an infinity of roles, but I'm not the roles I play, I am the Spirit that plays these roles

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    Re: Copy: series of questions about elementals energies

    First I want to apologize: I answered a question in the Ask RB section and didn't realize I did it until I came back to it now- so to alleviate this transgression I made a copy of the original and put it back there so you get your answer from Robert. So this is now a copy.
    The process of packing energy, some martial artsits used a art sometimes called "water Force" they would imagine thier bodies filled with water and as hard as ice, but only when they were struck with something.
    Yes, hermeticists do this too, but the 'solid' quality would be 'earth', which is part of the theory of elemental fluids. (Outflowing fire turns into air, and inflowing water turns into earth (solid), is a simplified way to put it.) But other than thoughts, I'm not sure what you were asking there.
    basically i'm asking in term of can we use elements to enhance our bodies physcially not just on a energetic level.
    Of course, I think this is partly why we do it- the whole 'above=below; below=above' thing.
    But I think than when one is weak (as someone who needs a transfusion would be) the 'strong' energy would go to healing, so it's a good thing, IMO, especially if your intention (the most important thing) in giving blood is to help heal someone else. Intention.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5

    Re: Copy: series of questions about elementals energies

    Speaking as someone who has had a blood transfusion in the past, i'd agree. In that situation, your system is crying out for whatever nourishment it can get. Anyone in that situation, who's body absorbs highly vibrating energy, is gonna welcome it into their system and take advantage of it, using it to heal. I'd suggest that the case would be similar for anyone who's energy system has been running at a low energy level. I don't think it'd be possible to overload a system, if the intention is truly for good health to be transferred.
    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.

  6. #6

    Re: Copy: series of questions about elementals energies

    learning the Iron Shirt breathing packing process and I figured that imagining, for example, my arms absorbing ice energy and compressing it within my arm would make it as durable as a block of ice, we know how hard those can get.
    "inverted tumo"

    there's an alternative health treatment it takes your own blood and exposes to natural U.V and puts in back in your body (they take as much blood as you donate ordinarily except this process is longer) i know its the exact same amount as that you would donate (i saw how its done on youtube some years back) you can watch the howto tutorial there and see if it pertains your situation.

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