Last night I did dream that a ex boyfriend did come and ask if we could start to be togeather again, No I said, I have a bf already, then he said, please contact me if it breaks and ends between you and your bf.
He was the bus driver on my bus, and it was a very long bus, I noticed him driving at wrong direction, so I started to walk from the back of the bus to tell him he is driving at wrong direction, he said, he will only to make an small tour and will drive at my location eventually, I did accept this, now he wants me to find in a note book for something, I do not remember it now what it was but it was not there, I told him someone has ripped the page in the front seat was an English talking little girl, she was pissed off and trying to put me down by saying I smell bad, I knew it was not true so I did let her go on knowing she had the problem not me....I got off the bus and now it was winter and rather dark like night, I was walking in the snow and did found a railway road and saw number 9 in the railway road side, I was told it was navigating marks, I said, how on earth will they from a airoplane see these small numers, but I was told they did see them, maybe it did glow or something to be seen from abow...I continued my walk and now the ex bf was driving a boat in the snow or ice, it was like somekind of viking was near to hit me, and I did see it pass me in very high the dream did end.

When I told my bf about this dream this morning he become jellous, and went to work in anger saying...continue to live in your dreams you sure does not want to live with me ...I am sad today, how to tackle this??