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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #531
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    Re: My dream diary

    Last night (or early morning) a very long dream, I would wake up and go back into it.
    We were in this large room, I knew it was in Germany and was a great hall with a giant Christmas tree in the middle. There was a door in the back of the room. Someone and I went through the door and saw a completely different reality, with aliens in it. I do not remember what they looked like, but I knew they were aliens. The act of seeing them changed something in both of us and we immediately knew they have been on earth and have slowly been taking over. We could see what they looked like and they also could see now that we saw them, and we were now marked for death.
    Looking through the other side of the door (we had actually gone 'in' and moved around this other reality, learning about the 'others' and how they disguised themselves, and what they were doing) and at some point they discovered us. So we got back through the door to the 'regular' human side of the planet and we started moving away and escaping. For the rest of the morning I continued the 'escaping from them in various ways' theme, sometimes hiding (by changing how they saw me, an energetic thing) and other times by physically running and hiding. In this dream I was accompanied by a family group (not my 'regular here now' family) but my 'dream' family or tribe. There was no resolution at the end of the dream, I just woke up with backaches and had to get up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #532
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    Re: My dream diary

    A three parter.
    I was watching TV and a news item came up, and it was reporting news about my family that distressed me, because it was not true, and I was very upset. As I got more and more upset, my father appeared and began to comfort me. I told him what the news said and why it had all the facts wrong, and I wondered why someone would report it the way they did. I woke up, used the bathroom and came back to bed. After going to sleep now I was in the house where I grew up, and my father was there. I woke him up to ask him why we were back there, (I thought he might have come back for a reason) but this time it wasn't him, it was a creature that looked like him but had fangs, and I started to fight him, and he bit my finger. I fought and fought and I woke up, and then went back to sleep, and summoned my 'pet' lion (which comes to me sometimes in dreams). This time I was not asleep, but in the liminal state, (I had fifteen minutes before getting up) and the lion came to me, and soothed me with his low growl. He was nice and comforted me, and then it was time to get up, so I had to leave my lion and get up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #533
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    Another weird one

    I was pregnant but the baby kept coming out and asked for things, kind of like a kangaroo. The first time it wanted oatmeal, and I remember feeding it and it almost drowned in the bowl. It was difficult and moody. It was also the size of a bean. A small bean. Now it had come out again and asked for beef stew. I had no ingredients for beef stew, and was looking around to make it, but was now too big to move around comfortably. I finally got it made and it was now jumping back and forth in my belly, and when I put my hand in my belly (or over it on my clothes) it would pop through and bite me in the finger, as if it had come out again and were jumping over my belly and biting. This woke me up, and for a bit I realized I was being 'bit' on the same finger (the right index) that got bit yesterday in the dream, but in a different place this time.
    I wonder if there is something going on with this finger that is translating to weird dreams.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #534
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    Re: My dream diary

    I just got the memory of a dream I had, either last night or the night before. In it I was reading Enochian, in a tablet. Not sure if I understood it or not, but I "recognized" it as I read it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #535
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    Unusual, to say the least.

    This is weird, I think we might have been visited last night. Here's why:
    My husband dreamed that we went into the house, and he saw my mother in the back of the house. He was shocked, and she tried to hide from him. He asked her how come, if she was dead she could be there. She told him that after you pass you go 'somewhere else' for a while, and then 'they send you back to your loved ones' but you don't see them, they're supposed to stay out of sight. She began to explain to him how things work in the afterlife when the alarm went off.

    I was dreaming about a coworker I used to know, who passed a few years ago. In my dream he was in my bedroom with us and I was concerned that I was sitting in my room in my pajamas, and I kept checking to make sure the covers did their job. I woke up and noticed that I was in the same position as the dream, went to the bathroom, and reflected on why I would dream about this guy who was not close to me or anything. I had a hard time going back to sleep, it was late and I was very awake. I got up again and drank some water, roamed the house and then finally went back to bed, it was not easy to go back to sleep. So now in the early morning I dreamed that I was in the kitchen of my house (the one I grew up in) and I had received a box. As I opened it I knew I was supposed to call the company that sent it and 'knew' the number. I dialed it and a lady came on the line. She asked me to get the paperwork in the box for the stuff they had sent me, and I asked my mother to go through the box. She got the paperwork and read off the numbers to the lady on the line. I did, and we went to take the stuff out of the box as I hung up the phone, when the alarm went off.
    Both of us were having different dreams about my mom at the same time. He was obviously lucid enough to be shocked at her presence, I was not lucid at all, and simply accepted her presence as normal.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #536
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    Re: My dream diary

    I had some news yesterday that supports the idea this previous dream phenomenon probably was a visitation, not a coincidence. Won't explain, but things will be clarified soon, I think.

    On to last night's dream:
    We go to where my grandfather's farm used to be. (Recurring theme, the house is now a museum). As usual, I tell the people who work there that I am the granddaughter of the man that used to live there, and all of a sudden I'm the owner. This is a recurring theme, but then something different happens from the usual dream scenario.
    We go to a spot I used to love (there was a side step leading to a very dense jungly garden with a water fountain next to it IRL). We go to see it in the dream and it has been paved over and there is a gift shop right next to it. I start to cry and explain to the bewildered shop clerk why I'm crying.
    The dream goes on and on as we survey the house (as usual, it's bigger than it was IRL(it doesn't exist anymore) and now (a new development) we have decided to move in it and restore it. We walk around the little town (not what it is IRL) that looks like something from an island brochure- very cute cottages and the place is sunny and touristy and lovely.
    We walk around the neighborhood and meet very friendly and cheerful people, and they invite us into their house, to stay there until we get ours ready for occupancy, but I find something creepy about them, an overeagerness that makes me uneasy. I go upstairs (not sure why, they were showing me upstairs rooms we can stay in) and realize that the upstairs lofts are not safe, the walls are up but not attached, and any child could lean on it and fall down and get hurt, and as I go around surveying the lack of safety, I decide we're not staying there, and go downstairs and call my son, who has wandered off with his father. I meet my husband downstairs, and ask him where our son is, and he doesn't seem to know.
    So we both go outside, calling him, and I wake up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #537
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    Re: My dream diary

    Maybe the unstable walls upstairs suggest an idea you don't feel is very sound, CF.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  8. #538
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    Re: My dream diary

    In the dream I felt it was a setup- the bubbly people were up to something 'not right'. I have to think about this some more.
    This morning I dreamt that I was having an argument with my mother, who then left. Then my father appeared and I was with him some time, and then they switched again. Of course this has obvious interpretations (they were divorced in life) but I feel there is more to it, because in the dream they swapped 'being dead again' and 'being alive again', and I'm not sure what this means- it's one of the things about the whole 'seeing my father afterdeath' scenario that has confused me, beyond grief and pain.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #539
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    Two different ones

    About three days ago, a dream about feeding the birds. (Recurring)
    There was a small market connected to the place where the birds were, and I had past knowledge of this kitchen/market. I either had lived there before, or had worked there before. (In previous dreams I 'find' them, they are a surprise).
    The birds are usually in good condition, as if someone previous to me has been caring for them. I always marvel at them, because I usually find them without enough food or water and feel the need to care for them.
    This was the same, it was obvious someone has been taking care of them, but I immediately feel I must intervene to continue keeping the birds healthy.
    At some point the whole scenario becomes a luxurious hotel, and we (my family of origin) are staying there. I think my husband and son are there too, but I honestly can't remember.
    The main difference here is that after a lot of running around going from place to place (the food has been moved first, and then I have to separate sunflower seeds for the bigger parrots (another difference, there are big parrots, like Macaws) from the other seeds I'm going to give to the budgies, like millet.) I actually find the food and sort it, and wake up before actually feeding the birds. But I got closer than I have in the past.

    Last night, two parter: I'm at some sort of retreat. Am having some sort of expanded awareness experience. There is a place that is some sort of ashram, and there are many statues of Buddha, some golden, some in color, some stone in this large courtyard. I'm looking at them from far away, some are very large. After some sort of process, (meditation and other 'retreaty' stuff, I am sitting in meditation and can see the Buddhas are really people, that are in costume. I wonder which one is the hallucination, the 'real' Buddhas, or the 'Statues'? I ponder it and go back, full of wonder and stories about the wonderful experiences.
    I then am dissappointed to know that the organizers of this retreat had put some hallucinogenic plants in the food (which looked like cabbage leaves) in the soup. I am angry about this and protest. I'm told it's a genuine technique that is part of the program. At this point I think it's a scam, and find myself swimming through some sort of swampy place to where the Buddha statues are. Then I go back home.
    Part two:
    An old friend (one of my husband's best friends, was the best man at our wedding) came to visit. Brought a gigantic elephant (the size of a house or a building). I am glad my son is there to see it, and am amazed at the size of the elephant. After tethering it someplace safe, he and my husband and son go to a room (still looks like an ashram, for some reason) and begin to smoke some substance. I get flustered and yell at them. Then I see my son is smoking. I begin to get alarmed and start yelling at him why it's dangerous for him. He starts yelling back and defying me, and I wake up thinking that it's one of the things I anticipated, and wonder how to deal with it.
    Then I wake up.

    p.s. The dream I had today/last night started at night and dawned in real time, as I was having it. This has been happening lately, so I wonder if there is some 'realtime' aspect to it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #540
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    Possible past life or flight of fancy.

    This morning I woke up extremely early, and I closed my eyes, and as I was going down I decided to ask my HS to show me a past life. Don't know where this idea came from, maybe it was part of the process previously while I slept.
    So I fall asleep and find myself in a place that looks like either Mexico or Peru in ancient times, many step pyramids in the landscape. We are there (hubby, son and I) and we're dressed incongruously in the place. Everyone looks mesoamerican, and are dressed stereotypically in these tentlike outfits and funny hats, and what I find confusing is that it's snowing. It's very cold, very snowy, and there's pyramids and a long wide promenade that leads to a large pyramid.
    We find ourselves in a house with a native family. I am speaking with the husband and wife in spanish, and after a bit the woman says the word "Puka" at the end of the sentence in spanish. I ask her what it means, as it's not a spanish word, and she finds it hilarious. She says something that sounds like a joke (in spanish) "I went there and then Puka!" something like that. She yelled it and laughed uproariously. The man kind of ignored me after a while and moved to the background, so to speak.
    The woman declared me "one of them" (because I could communicate)and gave me this large piece of clothing to wrap myself in. We all get one and put them on, and now we're dressed like the natives.
    We take a walk down the promenade, wrapped up in our cozy poncho-looking things and all of a sudden, from the left side of the promenade a large wave rises (the promenade is now like a long walkway with water on both sides, kind of like a bridge, but just stone) and engulfs us. Even though we are in a few feet of water and it's snowing and cold, the water itself feels very warm and nice, and as soon as it subsides, we simply head on to the next pyramid after taking off the cloth wraps, and we go into one of them, which is a shop on the inside, and get dried off and re-dressed. Then the alarm goes off and it's time to get up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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