energy work and 'charisma'
hey rob, happy new year
I was on the main page of the website and reading more into the NEW and saw a post written by Donni hakanson. she mentions how doing energy work increases charisma and well being.
I've acually been reading a old book that talks about the development of personal magnetism (energy) in this aspect. I also have another pdf that talks about developing the spirt/energy body causes others to notice something different about you.
This is acually a subject I've been looking into for a while, I was wondering do you have any expereince or knowledge of this subject, that is energy work effecting a person's 'charisma' or responses of others?
PS. I've begun to notice that everytime I come to your website, I gain a feeling of happyness, that other online energy communites dont seem to habe at all, I really enjoy coming here.
It is my destiny to play an infinity of roles, but I'm not the roles I play, I am the Spirit that plays these roles