Re: Enjoying obe astral sex is this wrong ???
Reading this thread you would think this astral sex thing was a female issue. I understand the bias - afterall, I always wanted some hot chick to break in and rape me, but it just 'aint gonna happen. I apologize ladies. Rape is simply not much of a male experience; unless he is in prison. Boys are raped and it is no less damaging than the rape of a female whether in RL or astrally.
But listen; I am of a certain age when hormone levels begin to decline, especially testosterone, and that has bothered me. But then came the calvary in a very nice dream. Yes, just what I needed, and I discovered I could get a woody just like any 20-year-old. Thank you, thankyou, thankyou.
The good side of astral sex!!! Hurrahh!
[I hope I haven't violated the rather strict conditions of posting to this this thread (only just read the caveats). Ok?]
Last edited by eyeoneblack; 3rd February 2013 at 05:25 PM.
Reason: disclaimer
Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
- E Hubbard