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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #561
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    Re: My dream diary

    I asked for guidance when I was about to go to sleep, and when I woke up I was dreaming about cleaning dog pee off a floor (not my house, I don't have a dog) and two words were heard as I was coming to. They were "Musso musso". Whatever that means, I'm recording it.

    Weirdly, there is a sense to those names, I got this when I googled the term.
    Interestingly, the name is 'from above'. Enticing, but I need more specifics.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #562
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    Woke up at 5, went back to sleep. Started dreaming about being in the military in a sub. All kinds of different aspects of being in a sub with people (logistics, rooms, food, etc.) It was an extremely long dream that had a lot of everyday detail, culminating in me realizing I didn't have enough clothes to last the week and figuring out how to get clothes for three more days. Apparently everything was assigned and laundry day was in five days and I had three shirts in my bag left before being able to do the wash. It was all mundane stuff but it's what I remember the most because it was the last moment before waking up at 6.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #563
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    Re: My dream diary

    I'm in school, and now I've taken every class there is, and I have also been every kind of teacher there is, and I'm wondering what else I can do. I'm outside in the garden of a "Hogwart's" style of castle- looks like a beautiful castle but is really a school. Then I wake up in the liminal state and it becomes an astral projection with some sort of exit. So I'll refer to this in the journal.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #564
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    Insightful recurrent dream

    I had a version of a recurring dream in which insight about the experience came to me while I was still in it.
    I've been given or sold a house. As usual, it's very beautiful and large, with many rooms, and towards the back there is a room that appears to be occupied. I never see who's there and I'm never sure that there is someone there, but it's part of the transaction. Towards the back of the house there is the entrance to a shopping mall. I have to walk through the living areas, through a large hall and pass the closed door of the room to get to the back part of the house to get to the mall.
    This is recurrent, and a dream I have often.
    I have speculated as to the identity of the 'other' in the room that lives in my house. I think it's my subconscious.
    Although I usually enjoy the fact that a shopping mall is connected to my house (makes it convenient) I didn't 'get' its significance until the end of the dream.
    Last night's variation of the dream is that I was supposed to get my son after school across the street in a park- I had to step out the front door at a predetermined time and I remembered I had an errand to run.
    So I walked to the back and went through the nice comfortable hallway that lead to the mall entrance, and when I was walking around ran into an old friend from college who wanted me to see something in one of the stores. I told her I was in a hurry because I had something to do but she whined and promised it'd be quick. So I went with her through various stores. I noticed that many of the storefronts had a little tab with my name on it. My friend told me that this indicated that I owned the mall. I thought it was curious that the fact that I bought the house (and was paying a mortgage for it) also made me the mall owner, and all the clerks had my name on their paperwork so I could get better service. At some point I started to wake up realizing that the mall in the back of the house was the entrance to the astral plane, located in the deep subconscious (far behind the 'closed' door) and the nice cool, cozy, and comfortable tunnel was the transitional stage (tube type exit?) that I do, being reminiscent of many of my OBEs.
    And then I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #565
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    Re: My dream diary

    Two nights ago, something about going to summer camp with the wrong clothes- I 'forgot' to bring clothes besides the 'fancy' heels and skirt I was wearing. After much wrangling, I got the staff to get me shorts and sneakers to wear, but the 'lockers' they got me were the size of gift bags and I couldn't stuff the clothes in it. I spent the entire dream going from place to place (first I was late, then I forgot the right clothes, then they couldn't fit- meanwhile, I was missing the fun activities.

    I don't remember what I dreamt about, didn't sleep much. Hate Nazi time.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #566
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    Re: My dream diary

    I had at least two frightening dreams last night. One of them involved us being a family of four, and having my daughter get kidnapped by aliens. After the deed was done, I was treated as if I were crazy, no one in the town remembering I used to have a daughter, and me thinking that I was going insane, starting to forget her too. I woke up very distraught.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #567
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    Re: My dream diary

    Recurring dream, or two that mixed together. Started out in the environment in which I had to get through water to get to my car to get to work (was in some sort of pier). After going through a lot to get into the car I was transported to a previous background, involving my grandmother's house and the house I used to live in, something about kids going on a shooting spree, and then finding out they were harmless, then back to my mother's house in which she was angry at me and refused to talk to me. This went on for a while and I was back in the water environment, where a male 'in charge' had asked me to make flowers with the material provided by whoever provided it. I made lilies, and when he went to check he was not happy because he had asked me to make roses, but I explained that I was not provided the parts for roses. He then went away, and when I went to my car, anticipating the problems getting to it through water again (I did not want to get wet now) I found that it had moved to dry dock and made it easier to get into.
    Then I went back and forth to my mother's house a few times, and soon woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #568
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    Fairy dust

    Two nights of sparklies.
    The night before last night I dreamed that superimposed on whatever I was dreaming about, there was some sort of 'fairy dust' like tinkerbell's fairy dust. Later on, when I woke up I was seeing this type of tinkly-starry-type stuff- kind of like the starry void hypnopomp but moving and more abundant, just like fairy dust being thrown by tinkerbell, or as if you were moving through a cloud of the starry dusty stuff.
    This morning I woke up to this hypnopomp again, I don't think I've ever had repeating vision screens two days in a row before, and I don't think I've had this particular type before.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #569
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    Re: Fairy dust

    The 'whatever' you were dreaming about would be helpful; would color the meaning of the underlying experience. I understand hypnopomp is not a dream phemomena - usually a precurser to a dream - different brain activity. So I am puzzled. Never-the-less fairie sparklies have to be wonderful in any way; singaling a new vision or 'tools of power'.

    I would be very encouraged.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  10. #570
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    Re: My dream diary

    I got up around 5am and went back to bed.... Then I was in a very spooky place, in the 'front porch' scenario where I'm 'inside' and the dead are 'outside'. I looked at the dead, which were closer to me than before, but none of them looked familiar. I took this as good news. Later we were on a boat, me and my two children in the dream. We were going through a river that was 'creepy' and fantastic. (The Styx, I think?). There were various boats on the river and we were going downriver when I recognized a couple I know in another boat. I also saw that there were other people acting terrified of whatever was in the grass on the banks. Some people began to get off their boats and walking (wading, the water was shallow) away in the mist. I lay on the boat, covering my children, and someone draped some kind of gauzy covering over us. I could hear screams and wails, and then I saw a large clawed finger get under our cover, and peek in. At this point I was terrified too. The eye that looked in did not look mammalian. Or human. Then 'she' lifted the veil and I could see the most beautiful dragon-y looking being, who radiated love and compassion, and a little bit of mirth (thought it was funny we were so scared of her). She wasn't of a color you'd expect a dragon to be, her body was of colors I can't describe- so fantastic (but not cartoony) shimmery and bright- and beautiful! She welcomed us to this realm and introduced herself. Then she pointed at my daughter, who was sitting on my lap at the time, and said her name. The little girl seemed to be about four years old and talked, called me momma. Had long dark brown hair and coppery skin. I was shocked and started to wake up. Some of the people on the boat came back and said things like "I can't believe what I have learned". Then I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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