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Thread: Fighting the Grim Reaper

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Florida, USA

    Fighting the Grim Reaper

    Hey hey, had some pretty wild dreams this morning. I thought I'd run them by your guys. They're pretty cool actually.

    So, along a long line of dreams I find myself before a door, and the Grim Reaper walks out. He attacks me and I'd disarming him with words and freezing him momentarily, with my words. It was actually pretty fun, I wasn't afraid at all, until he took a swing at me with his sythe.

    At this point, he swung and I blocked it with a forearm, and by a sleight of hand, literally, almost slit my wrist, but failed. I said to him, "Ask me a question!" Telling him to stop fighting and try me with something else. And the Reaper became a gray woman. She asked me something about what she wrote a letter with, and I answered, "Ink." She said, "Incorrect. Blood." And she disappeared with a possession of mine, which was a "Queen's" supposedly. I'm not too worried about it. Curious, though. I wonder if I was close to death.

    An interesting thought occurred however. I wonder, are these manifestations real? Can they have a real affect of someone's person? There was no evidence of true astral exiting, but they could be coming into my personal astral, could they not?

    It's telling that the Reaper showed up, however guiding me to what? I don't know. Dreams are very symbolic, are they not? What could these manifestations symbolize?? Can they take physical form?

    Any and all comments are appreciated,

    P.S. Almost ducked through a wall at some point, but didn't.

  2. #2
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    Re: Fighting the Grim Reaper

    I do think this was an astral (personal) projection, and you encountered the guardian of the threshold. This is generally a self-aspect that shows up when you are at the threshold of a major growth spurt. (Hence the name, ha.) The symbolism of the reaper writing a letter in blood sounds to me like you removed a fear (or are in the process of doing it), and it may have to do with a relative of yours, or your anima (female subconscious aspect).
    So congrats, you may have defeated some fear barrier (or interpersonal issue) and are now able to get further in your development.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Florida, USA

    Re: Fighting the Grim Reaper

    I think you hit it right on the head. I think I am making progress with somebody who is very close to me, though she may not know it. And it's true, any high energy situation is good, and can teach someone important aspects of themselves. Dude was slick though, let me tell you.


  4. #4
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    Re: Fighting the Grim Reaper

    I certainly can't ♥♥♥♥♥ CFTraverler's commensts - astounding - but my own experience tells me that if you can thwart a neg you are on your way to real freedom. Congrats!!
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  5. #5
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    Re: Fighting the Grim Reaper

    Most of the time a Dweller/Guardian isn't a negative entity- of course, there is always the possibility that it is. The trick is to recognize the test in it, and how you feel about it afterwards. If you're insecure, then take a shower immediately after the experience, it can't hurt and you were probably going to do it anyway.
    In Yoda's case, the symbology of it points to a self aspect and a test, not a negative entity per se.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #6
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    Re: Fighting the Grim Reaper

    Quote Originally Posted by yoda909
    He attacks me and I'd disarming him with words and freezing him momentarily, with my words. It was actually pretty fun, I wasn't afraid at all, until he took a swing at me with his sythe.
    That's what I call a bogey-man and I am only saying that the good force of Yoda disarmed him, which, in my experience may have been a gate of sorts, but I've faced too many to think they were all 'gates' - just declarations of power. IMHO.
    I prob misused the term 'neg'.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Florida, USA

    Re: Fighting the Grim Reaper

    I wouldn't be surprised if eyesonblack was right, but CFT's explanations ring a bell also. In fact, I dreamt last night that I was at a camp, and we were planning a raid or an attack of some sort. A guy was saying, "We'll keep ourselves grounded in our own realities," and we walked around the camp for a few moments. Upon waking, a mean dude was screaming at me, "You want to drop an army on me?!?" I was just chillin, sleeping. So, in that regard, it seems there is some clash of two forces, in so many words.

    I tend to think both of you are right, that some outer intelligence has manifested. I do remember going up into the sky before this chain of events, so that may mean external influence. Either way, it's exciting.


    P.S. Just before arriving at the camp, I was in an empty building, and I ran into a sort of off-his-balance Jedi. Cool!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Perth Western Australia

    Re: Fighting the Grim Reaper

    Ime the Grim can be a friendly visitor who warns the magickian to avoid a situation which could result in death. And If it is this form of dream , it will be repeated typically until the dreamer interprets it correctly. Things to consider about wrong blood;
    anticipating tissue match but not biologically related due to being adopted
    pregnancies associated with negative rh
    maybe give this some thought about some one near to you in hospital or about to be soon.
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

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