First projection related occurrence in months. It was quite early in the morning, I had just got up and had a wander around the house and went to lay back down. As I was lying their and I felt all the familiar sensations, then the vibrations kicked in. I was lying on my side and could here this crackling, electrical sound coming from behind my head, about a foot behind. Prickly sensation on the back of my neck. I pushed forcing the vibrations to pick up in intensity. Blacked out, next I found myself standing in my kitchen with the curtains billowing, thought someone had broken in. Got very dreamy after that, a lot of wandering around my back garden looking for intruders.

Haven't had anything for so long, I was quite happy. These tend to happen in batches and my ability to induce a projection usually picks up when these spontaneous ones occur. Might try on the weekend for a self induced one, who knows might work.