Strange couple of dreams . The fear factor seems to be emerging but I didn't think I had any issues. Great day gardening ,re-arranging, being creative in a way.Went to bed very happy.
Dreams this morning involved me being in my garage and cockroaches came in all over the floor.( okay in physical life I would run) In my dream I did jump up on something making a bit of a fuss when two big dogs came in and chased them away. I remember thinking how strange they looked as they all scurried towards a flap in the garage door leading outside.If you can imagine a big magnet and a load of pins close to it they just seemed to bang and pile up to the flap and rush outside. The two big dogs came up to me and for a stroke because they had helped me.
Other dream I'm being rushed along by a woman to board a small plane. It all happens so quickly and when boarding I'm told my seat number is 80. I go to the end of the small plane looking for my seat but the plane has taken off already and the numbers only go up to 34.I have to stand but I have to hold on to the sides and balance myself because the female young pilot is having fun with the plane and doing risky manoeuvres.One is to go under a small arch sideways leading to a public high street with people on.
Everyone else seemed to just enjoy the experience.
Third dream an undesirable character seems to be in my company and offers me a chocolate mars bar to eat. Under the wrapper it's been chewed at, it would be horrible to eat.
Seems strange to be experiencing fear related dreams or undesirable people. Can't think why? Bring back the magic (subconscious) please