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Thread: Microcosmic orbit combined with 3 day water fast

  1. #1
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    Microcosmic orbit combined with 3 day water fast

    What are the energy raising effects of the Microcosmic orbit (I hear on the forum it is also known as the full energy body circuit) combined with a 3 day water fast? I read that the fast gives a huge amount of energy at the peak of the third day. Also will it be able to rush through the body opening up other blockages also making the storage's bigger? I want to cause some physical effects when I am working with the electric and magnetic fluids as well as creating a volt. Also heard about Mo Pai which is that thing John Chang does. Anyways will it also on the third day if I were to consciously exit my body, do you think my astral body would be visible to people since there is a large amount of energy that was put into the projection and would that also make me a bigger target to vamps?

  2. #2
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    Re: Microcosmic orbit combined with 3 day water fast

    The microcosmic orbit is not exactly the same as Robert's full-body circuit. They are for the same thing, but they're done slightly differently. I find Robert's fbc easier than the microcosmic orbit, but I'm used to it.
    When you go through a three day water fast there will be side effects that you have to take into consideration- headaches on the second or third days. Who knows, maybe the energy work will help you manage those.
    Good luck.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
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    Re: Microcosmic orbit combined with 3 day water fast

    Thanks. I will do this like once every two weeks to raise my energy and enlarge my storage of energy for when I start working with the electric and magnetic fluids as well as other things. Can a storage center ever be maxed out or could you all of a sudden start taking in an infinite amount of energy?

  4. #4
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    Re: Microcosmic orbit combined with 3 day water fast

    When a storage center maxes out, the next one fills up. When you continue to raise and circulate energy, the capacity increases. I don't know if you can 'max out' on storage, but effects such as imbalances, lack of control, problems with reality and even headaches can be a symptom that it's time to stop, take a break. Not forever, just until your energy body catches up with the increases of energy.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
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    Re: Microcosmic orbit combined with 3 day water fast

    What if I had held in all of the energy then used it to physically shape something. Like using the electric and magnetic fluids or the light fluid. Could it be used for materialization if I have the willpower to pull it off?

  6. #6
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    Re: Microcosmic orbit combined with 3 day water fast

    In theory, yes. But you probably can't 'hold in' all the energy, because you need it to live. I don't think it's about willpower, I think it's about capacity. That's why energy work is not a one time thing, the more you do the more you get out of it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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