Beautiful to watch TIM.

Usual restless night. Did little NEWS but not much at all when decided to settle down. Got to that lovely warm relaxed cozy state when the noise started.It wasn't loud but tried to concentrate on it when I felt myself slowly raise up and go slightly to the left. Decided to look closely into the eyelids when I saw lines swirling around like clouds when someone/ something pulled my hair at the back.
My thoughts went to "was this hubby, maybe his physical hand,maybe his astral hand, or did someone want my attention? "
This spoilt it and I was back in body.
A little disappointed that it had ended so quickly I checked if his hand was near my hair and it was firmly tucked down.
Seemed about 20/30 mins later when I felt myself drifting off. I was aware I was on the edge of sleep but I didn't feel any movement or hear any noise so I looked closely into eyelids/ brow. Saw fine drawings moving around.This time they took the shape of faces just twirling around,then I saw an eye. this wasn't like previously mentioned. This was just like a drawing of one.

Next bit I feel I'm standing in a room in front of a square table. A shadowy figure comes in and I seem to know its a woman.
She brings in a baby Moses whicker basket.( in physical I was given one by my work mates years ago when I left to have my first
baby) she puts it on the table in front of me and it is full to the brim of small square photographs and messages .( I just knew).
She wanted me to look at them and to read the messages. I was thinking that this cann't be for me because it was for someone else so I shouldn't be given it.
At the same time I got the feeling this was meant for a young crippled boy who had to be carried around everywhere.I could see his bent legs.I could feel such love that was being sent in these messages and I could feel the emotion of these people loosing this person. He had to leave them.
I thought I would just take a few out to read when the lady moved the basket and showed me the side of it. Messages were stuck to the side of it.I couldn't clearly see them clearly but knew they were loving messages when she puts a book in front of me.
This front cover had a soft pastel colours and seemed to look like an ocean with a large pointed rock standing up in the middle.Just as a lighthouse would stand out all alone in the middle of water.
The front cover was telling me a story.I just had to look at it and it was talking to me but no words were heard. Once again that this boy was loved so very much but he had to leave and he was missed so very much. I could FEEL the emotions of these people.
The book was now prompting me to open the book to the first page where the story would continue.
I was aware of putting my astral arm in front of me to turn the page and couldn't see any arm or hand .I was aware of this and thinking at the time. Although I couldn't see my hand I could feel the page as I turned it but I couldn't read anything on the page.
The book was telling me that the story was just beginning but I also knew I was loosing focus.
I lost focus and knew I wasn't going to be able to maintain it then lost completely so focused on eyelids and saw drawings of faces just swirling around. Opened eyes,awake.
Just at the best bit and I loose it.
( This has happened before when I was in the room talking with someone during the OBE when I perceived a space station.)

Went back to sleep and was dreaming that I was sleeping when my mobile phone went off( it didn't, checked calls) This part of the dream woke me up.Looked at my watch...House phone went off.

Now the parts to this that stand out were the strong feelings of love and emotions of missing someone, but these emotions were from many people.I wasn't just thinking this but was feeling this.
Also how the book when just looking at it it was conveying messages to me.
It was telling me the story was inside and to turn the page.