The wierdest thing happened last night....I woke up screaming and I can´t hear my scream at all...I know I scream all what I have but not a sound can be heard??...I start to say...STOP IT....but the feeling what make´s me scream I can´t say if it is a threat against me and my security....

I can´t say why I have to scream but so much I know that it is so unpleasant or maybe it is so new to me that I can´t know if it is unpleasant but so new that I feel fear and I am afraid it is dangerous,

but I do not know....

I shouted as aloud I could....JESUS help me....JESUS ...and after this I start to say the lords pray....and I say it until I hear my own voice and I am back in my body......but what happened?? where was I..???

In a new body what had not yet developed sound and hearing?? Please help me out here if anyone know´s what I just did experienced, please help me....

and also if anyone know´s the other bodies properties....where no sound can be heard or expressed as in here on earth or the realms what is very earth like in both atmosphere and properties because of you can hear sound and express sound....

so I need to know how should I have this propertie of this body where no sound could be expressed as sound??

Now when I think about it..I need to learn total new approach and thinking when I am in a realm where sound can not be expressed, I need to learn a new way to think in this realm´s..and first I have to know what and where was I??..

I know I should have kept calm and coolness so I could se what all was about...but I lost it in total fear....I need to know more how to traine myself so I can be able to be calm on new realm´s what is so different I am used to be please tell me what you know about the other realm´s properties and the other bodies capasity or what to call it....the other bodies realms being or what for it they are developed to do....anyone who know´s??