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Thread: Dreaming about fighting against the bad

  1. #1

    Dreaming about fighting against the bad

    Hey Guys,

    last night I had an interesting Dream. Maybe you need to know that yesterday morning I saw a blue topaz ring which i couldn't resist to buy. This very ring I kept under my pillow all night long.

    Ok the dream started in the a City i recently visit. I and some people was meeting there to make a plan about our new expedition about going to an Island and fighting against the bad. This Island had the same name as the Island where my wife is from.
    Arrived on the Island we already so bad monsters, more like zombies or something like that, running around. We had to fight against some of them on the way from north to south. In the middle of the Island there where two dutch churches with paintigs of people and the devil on it.
    I was first thinking its a house the dutch people build here after the killed 5000 people in this place( which is historically quite correct...) but I couldn't find anybody to ask cause both houses where empty.

    We moved on and came to a house where there was still some people. They where screaming my daughter my daughter as we saw two monsters running towards us. On of them fall down on the street and one run away. The people seemed to mean this monster to be there daughter so I went there and here the monster say I'm thirsty.
    I gave her some hot sup and she become human again but still jumping from one form to the other. i gave her to her parents and said she needs a lot of hot sup and rest.

    We went on and came to a castle which highest tower was connected throught a doorway to another castle, which was the castle of the bad. We was fighting our way until the tower and came to the doorway. Then we closed the way. We wanted to turn back but our magician said we must open the door of the castle of the bad cause maybe someone there dont want to stay there any longer... The door of the bad castle was heavily locked up but we opened it and come to a big hall full of bone-monsters which we had to kill.

    Then the dream was finish...

    What do you think about? Could the new ring have something to do with it?

    All the best

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Dreaming about fighting against the bad

    Are you playing video game´s?? What kind of fantasy do you have about stone´s?? as the ring you bought?? How do you find bad presented in your Life?? Do you have Children??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #3

    Re: Dreaming about fighting against the bad

    I play from time to time some video games so once in 1 - 2 weeks. I think that every stone have there one power which can either help us or not. I just saw the ring and I knew this is the right stone...I think that a stone chooses us but some degree.
    I have a very easy and happy life canot say how i find bad in my life sorry...
    No children yet

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