This has been in my mind for an extremely long time. It was more of an impression than a thought before, but somehow, this thought became fleshed out to me yesterday after I followed a train of thought as far as I could stand to. This idea came upon me so suddenly that a part of my worldview was broken, leaving me contemplating the idea for at least an hour straight. I believe this is pertinent for everyone.
The game we're playing is far bigger than I had once thought. A child will grow up, see the repugnant nature of darkness, and vow to be good and "of the light." A child may also grow up, see the impotence of "light", and choose to be wicked.
Most people who enter this world will see the depravity of the polarity "evil" and all of its vices, and as a result decide to align with the polarity "good." As a result of joining the "light side," they will immediately consider themselves morally superior and pure. This "light side" promotes the very easy concepts of hope, servitude, and most importantly worship. These things, while seemingly better, are in fact part of the same problem. Allow me to explain why.
Hope is an exercise in futility that drains your energy towards an impossible to reach target, and thus is a method of creating stagnation, and even docility.
Servitude is not the same thing as devotion, as those who devote themselves to something choose so fully aware of what it will entail. Servitude is different. It is then that those joining the "light side" will become servants to "higher powers," thus relinquishing their seniority as an immortal spirit, giving themselves up to an idea that they consider "better" than themselves. Then, to top it all off, those who have given up seniority will then begin to worship that which they have given up their independence to.
Worship is so... wrong. I realize I can only describe this in a dualistic way, but believe me, It's horrid. If the Bible were the absolute ultimate source of truth the Vatican claims it to be, then worship would be the biggest sin of them all. In the act of worship, one willingly belittles oneself by giving away their seniority once again, and delivers their energy to someone or something that desires to use that energy for none other than self gain. So what has just happened here? Instead of having your energy being drained out of you by a mean, forceful "bad guy," you've willingly given your energy to a meek, mild mannered "good guy." Worship is a tool designed to pump energy towards something or another, and is in no way useful to anyone but the recipient.
So what does darkness do? Darkness revels in the fact that it appears disgusting by seeking pleasure, glorifying the self, and by purposefully breaking established norms.
Most people understand that pleasure seeking is, in essence, searching for short term gratification. Not only is this a short sighted goal, but a self destructive one. Most things that are "pleasurable" often aren't even remotely useful for sustaining development. For example, if you just wanted to "feel good" all the time, you might use food as an escape. As a result of giving your body what it craves, you ultimately deny what it needs. Asceticism then appears to be the answer, but even actions like fasting can be harmful if taken the the point of starvation.
Glorifying the self is well described by the story of Lucifer. Lucifer decides he's fed up with the hypocrisy of "heaven" and decides to forge his own way. However, instead of just accepting the fact that he disagrees, he purposefully goes into the far opposite polarity. "Heaven" views itself as selfless, so "Lucifer" decides to become selfish in direct defiance. Looking out for one's own needs is paramount, but going out of your way to take things from others is just plain cruel. More importantly, in the act of self glorification, one limits their perception by focusing only on oneself.
Breaking taboos is another method "darkness" uses. When a norm is established, the "dark" person will seek to do the opposite, purely because of the energy given off (it's funny to think Internet trolls are unknowingly practicing the tenets of satanism.) This is extremely unhealthy. You don't want other people's energy, especially not in the form they'll be giving it to you. Not only have you once again stolen energy from others, but you're never going to do anything truly useful by it either. Breaking paradigms simply to break them is silly. There's no long term benefit in doing this.
So what does all of this have to do with anything? I believe I've just past beyond another veil. The "good light" and the "evil dark" are nothing more than constructs that gain their power from existing in the illusory state of duality. Picking a side in the cosmic conflict of duality then only feeds energy to the concept. So what's the point of being good or evil if you know that you're clinging to a lie? The answer is that it's easy. It's very easy to exist in duality. It gives those willing to follow duality power within duality. However, duality is only taking advantage of people. It purposefully gives its followers power by its nature so that duality can continue to exist. There is more beyond it, but duality likes to assume the role of "all that is" in a feeble attempt to feel like its more than it is.
To go beyond good and evil, you have to see the whole picture. When you look at the Yin-Yang symbol, you can choose to see two opposites in conflict. You can decide to look at the symbol as meaning the purity of white contrasted against the depravity of black. This, however, makes absolutely no sense. If "good" existed by itself with no "evil" to combat, would it make any sense? Does it make sense that in order to be "good, proper, or correct," a villain must be created to show contrast? If "good" were truly "good," why would it need to create a dichotomy to prove itself?
I think I understand it better now. There is no such thing as "good" nor "evil," only varying degrees of truth. Duality then appears to be lacking of the whole truth. Duality is not a lie, yet it isn't the truth either. What is it then? It is the sum of all of its parts. It is action and reaction. It is simply all that it is. There is no need to spin a view on it, only look at it for how it appears, how it acts, and what it does. In other words, good and evil must be viewed as the whole of its concept while simultaneously understanding the intricacies of its details. It must be viewed from all angles, all coordinates, all planes, simultaneously.
Divinity, then, is not what makes you feel good, nor is it what looks pretty. I surmise divinity to simply be truth. The more true it is, the closer to divinity it becomes. And so, the true meaning of the journey of life is to simply become more true. Individuals all carry with them their own truths, so in order to reach the end, the individual truth, unique to the person, must be found. God is then not some almighty omnipotent bearded man, but rather the culmination of everything; the absolute truth, encompassing of everything. What a paradoxical thought. God creates so that God could be created. Even then this is just a circumstantial answer. If the journey to reach the true answer is infinite, how is it possible for it ever to have been reached? I suppose that answer will be revealed infinitely later. This entire thought has broken down my acceptance of linearity, in time, and in space. I wish I knew how this all worked. Perhaps its that desire that keeps me looking.