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Thread: Past Life Karma and Psychic Energy

  1. Past Life Karma and Psychic Energy


    Ive been doing a bit of research into past life Karma and how it effects our energies.

    I have read about vibrations and how past life energies can play upon our current life and bring negativity in which we need to clear out.

    With my indian heritage I have been researching indian teachings about this stuff. I am not a follower of a particular denomination but I did come across something interesting on the Shivyog blog

    Just wondering if there anyone has a western translation of this method?

    This content comes from SHANMUKHA SHANKU

    Prati-Prasav Sadhana

    The Word “Prati” means again, and “Prasav” means taking birth. Prati-Prasav means taking birth again i.e. Re-birth. Why it is very important when a Child is taking Birth? Because at a particular time when a child is taking birth his destiny will be calculated. So Prasav is very important in Life. The Prati-Prasav Sadhana is very important for every person in order to release all his/her Physic Impressions of Past Life, Mothers Womb, Current Life and Future Life which are stored within him. Your present is a reflection of what you did in the past. The purpose of our birth is to resolve the issues that remained unresolved in our past lives. The circumstances & the problems one is facing is due the stored baggage of Psychic Impressions that one has collected in various lives and this life starting from the mother’s womb. Thus if we are unhappy it indicates there are some unresolved issues which must get resolved so that we do not get stuck into similar circumstances in our next births. This unresolved issue is what is called Samskars or Sanchit Karmas or Psychic Impressions.
    To release the suffering, pain or disease of present life or to attain the higher level of spirituality & experience the Ultimate Truth one has to release the Sanchit Karma or Samskaras or Psychic Impressions. Prati Prasav Sadhana teaches how to shed this heavy load and bring out the inner light in the form of Health, Happiness and Prosperity. This is the ancient wisdom & Sadhana that was practiced by Maharishis such as Gautam Buddha and Mahavir. A small fraction of this knowledge also went to the West from India and there they practice it as Past Life Regression. We are extremely lucky that we have the opportunity to learn the complete wisdom of Prati Prasav Sadhna. In Shivyog Prati Prasav Sadhana we just not limit ourselves to witnessing of our past life incidences. With the help of Babaji’s grace we transcend back to those areas of our past lives that are cause of our present sufferings. By invocation the Sanjeevani Shakti we are able to transmute and release these Sanchit Karmas thus freeing ourselves from the present miseries. Prati Prasav is the sacred power and wisdom for healing the past lives and dissolving the present life problems. Prati Prasav Sadhana is an excellent Sadhana to dissolve fears, phobias, sufferings, limitations and awakening of your consciousness towards infinite dimension. We can thus proudly say ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ – I Create my own Destiny.

    Important Part for All those Sadhak's who are attending the Prati-Prasav and Art of Dying Shivir at Kurukshetra: -

    The importance of Prati-Prasav Sadhana is not to show you your Past Life incidents but to make you release the Emotion which you have created unknowingly by reacting to that particular Incident. The reaction of a person to every incident is of three types:- (a) Thamoguna, (b) Rajoguna & (c) Sathoguna.
    The person reaction to every incident is of above 3 types. When you react with any of the above Guna then you create a Physic Impression. When none of these Thriguna’s exists then it is called as “Nirguna” i.e. “Turiya Avastha”
    The Shastras mention about the “Sarva-Siddhi Kala”. The Sarva-Siddhi kala is the time when you are in the state of Turiya Avastha. When you will be in Nirguna you will just Witness all the incidents in your Life. When you just Witness the incident Prati-Prasav starts taking place i.e. the process of Releasing. Similarly while doing the Prati-Prasav Sadhana when you start seeing any incident, whether it is your Past Life or Mothers Womb or Future Life, then a person must not get stuck into that incident but he should start just Witnessing. As soon as you start Witnessing the process of Release takes place and that particular incident or physic impressions starts dissolving. That particular negative was strongly implanted within you because you have reacted to that particular negative incident either through any of the 3 Guna’s i.e. Rajoguna, Thamoguna or Sathoguna. So Witnessing to every incident being in Turiya State of Consciousness is very important for Prati-Prasav Sadhana. Holy Siddha’s say “any decision, any action, any wish you ant to achieve; you have to enter into that Nirguna State of Consciousness”.
    How to recognize that you are seeing your past life?
    Whatever Remembrance comes first, catch that remembrance and start recalling that incident. Slowly you will start seeing your past life incident and as soon as u start seeing just witness the incident and the negative physic impression which was strongly implanted within you starts loosing its power and so shall be released, with the help of Maa Sanjeevani Shakti.
    Whenever you get Blank-out in middle, then Blank-out means now Sanjeevani Shakti is saying that you don’t worry I will handle and take care of this incident. When you are doing Sadhana, even Sadhana is“Karma”. Whatever you sow so shall you reap. In Prati-Prasav first all your Debit Balance will be deducted.

    Dharana Shakti is important for every individual. Dharana Shakti means whatever you decide you must accomplish it. If this Dharana Shakti is awaken within you then nature must also listen to you. The 1st step towards Dharana Shakti is: -
    Becoming Aware – becoming aware means living in present moment. When you live in present moment then only you can become aware. When you live in present moment you become aware and you go beyond the Logic Mind. Always have a feel that “I am not this Mind, this Mind belongs to me” this includes the logic mind, the conscious mind, the sub-conscious mind and the super conscious mind. Similarly have a feeling of “I am not this Body, this Body belongs to me” Learn to command with your body and mind. Anyone who success this he is not the Slave of this Body, he is the Master. Your command should always be Firm. If you develop the habit of looking at your body minutely, you will have control on your body.
    Many Physic impressions are created when a child is in mother’s womb. The success or failure of a person depends upon how he is reacting to the incident. Whatever mother sees and feels the Fetus inside sees and feels the same. It’s the connection of mother and child through the Umbilical Chord. In certain situation you become perplex, angry, fear or negative this is a unconscious behaviour, you may not know and you react adversely. “One as to Act in that Manner, but need not to React in that Manner” which means just Witness. Always own 100% responsibility towards the every incident happening with you in your life. You’re present is like this because you have unknowingly created in your past. Now it’s the time to be in present moment and just witness. Witness every incident happily and create a beautiful future.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Past Life Karma and Psychic Energy

    Hi Ayan,
    Thank you for posting this about how we carry Everything with us from incarnation to re-incarnation, and if we do not tidy up in our energy and understand that we are an essence only energy what take´s form to express our need´s and to experience Life in many levels and forms.
    We seam to need philosofies and religions to explore or to start to explore our consiusness, but eventually we have to leave all kind of philosophies and religions because they do box in, and the consiousness are only being explored in that specific box, to go out of the box off course is horrifying, into the unknown, nothing to hold on to but own essence and how many does trust to them self´s?? and therefore does seek outside someone to hold hands with, I know I have bean all around the Worlds philosophies and teckniques and in the end found that all has to gain my self trust to dare to jump into the unknown and take resposibbillity, there is no-one to blame but me what ever I experience.
    But I do have to acknowledge that if I haven´t taken all these path´s I wouldn´t know what I know today, so I have bean brave to dare to explore all kind of path´s, and end up to say...I have to find my own path and if it is through somekind of philosophy then I know it is a thought form Creation, nothing wrong with that, but as I understand it is not the outermost reality more like a common Group reality.
    So thank you to posting what for me was valuable to know is that it is saying...that we do collect and carry unsolved and or experiences from other incarnations and that means also from other parts of universe and very different from Earth Life, and it is maybe therefore we have so much fear because we do not understand nor remember other form of Lifes we carry with us.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Past Life Karma and Psychic Energy

    If I were going to call this 'method' a western name, I'd call it
    2-Manifestation training and finally
    3-Behavioral training.
    In the order given above.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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