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Thread: Should I Trust "Masters?"

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia

    Re: Should I Trust "Masters?"

    The point is that without learning from and becoming initiated by the master teaching spirits one can not become one and one can not ascend.

    So a newb may decide to ignore the teachings and attunements and they will be able to develop intuitively but they will limit the development of their consciousness and their siddhi abilities and their immortality.

    And it is the ascension of the soul that is the reason to live. To contemplate one's own navel dust and merely perform fading pleasurable tasks is pointless. Life is an illusion. One who is mired in the mind of self can not and will not ascend .The universe is connected and trusting those who are authoring the curriculum and teaching and attuning makes sense. But those who are filled with the negative emotion of fear can not trust and do not want to belong to the solution and fear ascension itself and so they continue to block their own path and that of others.

    When the energy body is attuned through spiritual legacy, kundalini events , deliberate pathworking and initiatic magick then ;
    *the clairvoyance is developed which allows discernment and affords differentiation between negs which are muddy foggy stagnant energies and ascended masters which are jewel toned bright moving energies.

    *the clairsentience is developed which affords differentiation between the ascended which lift the vibration by their presence and the negs which are parasitic and imbibe the mind , body , and soul with burning pain, negative emotions of mistrust, fear, rage, grief , revenge and hate et cetera.

    Similarly, Ascended masters feel differently , they look and act differently. They sound differently.

    Even an idiot will attempt to use some discernment to discover if a new lover is trustworthy and this will not be in the form of paperwork and documentation either. Without such discernment the idiot becomes ill with STDs and abused by the unkind and unscrupulous and attacked and attached by negs.

    Humans must learn whom to trust or live like a turtle with their head retracted in their shell. One can not learn , alone. One can not truly live, alone.

    One probably can not tell the difference between an ascended master and a negative earth bound spirit if one is spiritually retarded.

    But all people can ascend their vibration and become able to
    *feel clairsentiently
    *see clairvoyantly
    *hear clairaudiently
    *fly in projection
    *call in evocation

    And when the human becomes the magickian , then they know the difference , feel the difference, see and hear the difference and they will choose to be in community with the masters who are benevolent and superior in vibration and more capable and more knowing than any codices, scroll, books, or digital texts.

    Of course, one could just contemplate the dust in their own navel and see where that gets one.

    FEAR is

    Mistrust and Fear are negative emotions that should be replaced by discernment and confidence.
    Last edited by Aunt Clair; 23rd April 2014 at 04:38 AM.
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Should I Trust "Masters?"

    Hi Aunt Clair,
    How do you find these assendent Masters?
    Do they find you and start to teach you, or how does it happen??
    Assendent Master is not living here on Earth now, or are they??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia

    Re: Should I Trust "Masters?"

    Teaching spirits called Mahatma and Ascended Masters come to those who are ready in altered states of consciousness such as in dreamstate or meditative trance. How does one attain a state of readiness ?

    Sitting in meditation in dim light in throne asana in sacred chamber after drawing energy down and up the spine, the desired state will be entered. Then, the mystic may evoke or simply attend those who will appear.

    In order to see and hear Mahatma and fly in projection to Shamballah, the mystic
    needs to develop their energy body and their siddhi abilities. This is done through pathworking; energy flow and energy use.

    Begin with energy work, healing of self and others, daily meditation, hatha yoga.

    Continue with reading avidly , seeking lucidity in dreamstate, journaling ones metaphysical experiences and removing energy blockages with good thought, good words, good action. Follow on with Raj Kundalini Yoga.

    Anyone who sits in routine meditation will develop the basal clairvoyance available to all in dreamstate to the point that they will learn to see. If we draw energy to the brow centre and use the brow centre to see clairvoyantly, we develop stronger energy centres which are more capable and we learn to see clairvoyantly better.
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Should I Trust "Masters?"

    Hi Aunt Claire,

    You write about spiritually I must be one of them...I have tried so many time´s to have a teacher...and what happens is that I get such a Deep anziety so I can´t live in my skin...I feel more confortable without a teacher...and like follow guidance like from this site...and do meditation what feel´s good and right...I do be diciplined when that is needed...but I can also be more get too "diciplined" can be a trap too...I Think one must be flexible...and free...but hard working and wanting evolve and learn and purifye and clinse both inner and good deed´s and thoughts...

    So what do you say about this??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  5. #15
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    Re: Should I Trust "Masters?"

    Ia, I believe the master will come when you are ready for it. Sometimes they appear as a dream character and you don't realize you're being taught- the purpose is not to scare you, it's to teach you. So relax and keep working on your meditation and prayer, and when you're ready, the master will come.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Should I Trust "Masters?"

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    Ia, I believe the master will come when you are ready for it. Sometimes they appear as a dream character and you don't realize you're being taught- the purpose is not to scare you, it's to teach you. So relax and keep working on your meditation and prayer, and when you're ready, the master will come.
    Thank you CFT,
    Yes I am thinking like that too and I am sure it happens when it is to happen.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #17

    Re: Should I Trust "Masters?"

    Quote Originally Posted by DerFürst View Post
    I'm happy to say that I haven't accepted any contracts, and as a matter of fact, have rescinded all agreements I've made consciously or unconsciously with anything that has an agenda that isn't in line with my own. My intention is self development and the pursuit of truth. This turned out to be the best choice for me.

    Worship, contracts, hierarchies, and distortion are the modus operandi of the archontic force that is trying to control this world. My purpose is to cause the archontic force in control of the Earth to leave by cutting off their food supply, which is fear and mass confusion. In other words, my mission is to become truer to myself, and to assist others in being able to do the same. I may not have flashy powers to woo anyone yet, but I've already discovered within myself a powerful talent for discovering the truth. I'm not entirely sure how I've been able to do this, but I've been peeling away at layers of deceit, over and over again, and my perception of the truth is constantly becoming clearer and clearer. I'm going to continue with my work, but I am NOT going to accept the help of other people. By becoming in tune with the truth, more of it is coming to me without even my needing to ask for it. Assistance, then, is rendered to me in all conscious expressions of my intentionality, without requiring for me to enter contracts and create specific occasions in which I can learn something.

    I have a theory. We shouldn't worry ourselves with names, faces, or appearances. Extradimensional beings we consider “good” no longer worry themselves with names, appearances, or hierarchies. Rather, they strip away from themselves all that is unnecessary and become more like an embodiment of the force they represent. Therefore, forces that you wish to associate with will be attracted to you by nature of the state you’re in without you needing to “call them,” or even interact with at a conscious level. Your “vibrational state” as they call it is all the signal that’s needed. What’s more is that these forces won’t teach you anything. No, they won’t say “this is what you need to know,” because knowledge is cheap. Rather, events in your life will come into being so that you’ll be able to become wiser without being directly assisted, which is far more useful.

    I had to step back a moment and re-evaluate my goals. Why did I want extraordinary esoteric knowledge and extraordinary power? I had deluded myself into believing it was a matter of helping others. A lot of it actually came from selfishness. I resolved, then, to continue learning lessons and working towards my goals on my own. Not only did this make more sense to me, but it felt right in every part of my being.

    Beware of the New Age. My research has lead me to believe that it is a last ditch effort to subdue humanity's perception of what's possible. Due to the unprecedented usefulness of the Internet in the expression of free thought, many alternative ideas have gotten out, many very close to the truth. The New Age seeks to capitalize on this by distorting the truth, whilst coming very close to it. The New Age is also something that the Illuminati is going to push on people in an attempt to create a one world religion. Look into project bluebeam if you don't believe me on this. Many people may not want to follow me to "conspiracy land" since it is not nearly as pretty as the place they're at, but it's necessary. If you don't believe something can exist that DOES exist, you have literally no protection against it. Therefore, arming yourself with knowledge, both "good" and "bad" is required to defend yourself.

    Some people here will not agree with me. That is fine. Hearing what other people have to say, even if it doesn't agree with me is fine also. Disagreements are another way you can grow a deeper understanding of others.
    Thank 👏 You 👏 For 👏 Writing 👏 This 👏
    I'm tired of hearing so many hierarchical stories spun this way and that. No one is "higher" than you. They may possess more intellect on different things or come from a different place but they are not more valuable. People please stop lowering your worth and freely giving your power away. If everything is interconnected why would something or someplace be higher? Even your "higher self" is not anywhere else or anyone else but -you-. It's just tuning into what you define as that. Instead of saying higher, perhaps be more specific. And you'll realize you're just talking about you all along. Which part of you, that's for you to decide. Everything in this universe has a place. It's not some pyramid where Earth is the lowest and the more weed you take the farther up you go until you reach the mother of all buttholes. Excuse my humor. Everything is kind of like abstract. We are all different and similar at the same time. Everything (except corruption) is valuable. It's Creation. And Creator puts no one on a pedestal. You have all the information of the universe you need and all the methods to retrieve it. Please learn to discern and don't let anyone boss you around into serving this or that or whatever. You're not a slave. You're a sovereign being. 🤗 You are you. You are a child of Creator and you're able to talk to him anytime. Like you can literally ask YOUR CREATOR questions my guys. Try it out with all your intention and ask him the questions you have. Why would a Father neglect his own children? Stop by and say hi to him. And I don't mean closing your eyes and clasping your hands and reciting- no. Just talk. There doesn't need to be a mediator. Try it out in the astral if that works better for you. I'm wondering why anyone bothers with all these teachers if you can literally ask your father a question. Food for thought? 🤔 I apologize for my rambling, hopefully I helped with a thing or two.
    Much love,

  8. #18

    Re: Should I Trust "Masters?"

    EDIT:Not to say that teachers aren't valuable.
    I mean why people bother with all these "higher" entities. I'd love to learn pottery some day and a teacher would be great.

  9. #19

    Re: Should I Trust "Masters?"

    Masters trust silence; silence speaks for itself.

  10. #20

    Re: Should I Trust "Masters?"

    Quote Originally Posted by olyris View Post
    Masters trust silence; silence speaks for itself.

    Question everything.

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