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Thread: My great. True experience.

  1. My great. True experience.

    Hello, PleaseJustListen here or just PJL for short.

    The only physical alien experience that I have had that I am 100% sure happened is this. Prepare for a bit of a story!

    So I was about 3 or 4 and I remember that it was probably about 3 'oclock in the morning, I just could not sleep. The reason for the lack of sleep was the last Chocolate Pop-Tart. i remembered that I wanted it so so so bad, and I did not want to let my sister get to it before me. So, I got up out of bed. (at this point I had not been corrupted by Holly-Wood, so I was not scared of being alone in the dark, I actually found it quite peaceful.) After leaving my bedroom I remember that I got about 1/2 way down the hallway then I remember that it all the sudden seemed like I would never be able to get to my Pop-Tart. The hallway continued to get longer, and longer, until the point that it seemed almost never-ending. Then I remember seeing a bit of a light, and these aliens (they were Greys) were waving to me, and asked me if I wanted to come aboard. There was no abduction, everything was completely voluntary. The way that they asked me was quite strange, it was telepathic in a sense, but they spoke as well. They would talk out loud in a language that I was not at all familiar with. And when they realized that I did not understand, they seemed to communicate with me telepathically, but it was also not in English (my only known language) it was just the meaning behind the words. They sent me the essence behind the words, not the words themselves. After I accepted, I walked, very slowly up to their ship, looking around the whole time, admiring the way that they had seemed to stop time, and let me choose whether or not I wanted to join them on their mission. After boarding everything is a bit of a blur. I remember going out of the atmosphere and looking around at some things such as the moon and planets, but other than that, I don't remember anything else. The next part that I am able to remember is me saying goodbye to them, I was so very happy, whatever they showed me, I absolutely loved. I waved frantically at them and they awkwardly did the same. (I don't think they understood the gesture.) Once all of that was over and done with, I slowly started to come back to reality, the way that this happened was quite astounding. I remember spinning slowly, so very slowly, then it started to pick up pace. I went faster and faster, continually faster, and faster until I blacked out. When I opened my eyes I was in my living room spinning, in a kind of sleep paralysis type trace. When this broke I slowly stopped spinning, then that was when the memory started to fade. It was like there was a block on the memory that eventually I would learn to unlock. Then as I came to, starting to realize that I was back in the house, in the living room, spinning. I made the decision to stop spinning, I sat down on the couch, rested for a minute, then excitedly I got up to go get my Chocolate Pop-Tart. After eating my Pop-Tart I went back to bed, I think that it would have been around 6:00AM at this time. And that is where the memory of everything ends. One very interesting thing that I realize now, is that I can't remember anything else from that age. And I actually can't remember anything at all the same way that I used to. like I am now a freshman in High School and I can't even remember 8th grade, or any other grade for that matter. After a year my memory is completely wiped. I remember words, language, faces, school things. But I just can't remember any specific events, except for a couple exceptions.

    Thank for reading, feel free to message me if you have any insight, or just want to talk. I am going to make this a whole new thread on here, but I thought I should post it here first.

    PleaseJustListen (PJL)

  2. Re: My great. True experience.

    If I were that age, I probably would have done the same thing.

    Whatever you do now, don't let your memory of aliens in the past cloud your judgement of what's happening in the present. If governments disclose aliens, they will do so to deceive you. If aliens "attack," it will be a fabrication designed to force world powers to unify. If aliens come to "save humanity," do not accept their assistance.

    We lump aliens into a category of "things existing off this world," but you have to understand that "aliens" could also be extradimensional. Since this is the case, they operate on a realm far beyond most people's understanding, and thus, can trick and manipulate in ways we cannot understand. As much as pretty pictures and the warm fuzzies may seem real, extradimensional beings have the ability to distort images and create artificial feelings within people almost unrecognizable from the real thing. I'm not telling you to be scared of anything, I'm just saying that you must be aware of the possibilities.

    Trust in humanity above all else. We have far more in common with each other than any other species. We can create a paradise on Earth without the need of outside intervention. We must learn to accept each other (which isn't homogenizing) before we can turn our attention to the stars.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    ...I'm sorry but I don't wish to have any stalkers.

    Re: My great. True experience.

    That's sounds like a really great experience. And I'm always glad to see when people speak of aliens in a positive or at least neutral point of view . I personally believe that most "abductions" are actually more similar to what you describe than the scary stuff that happens on movies. Instead of politely accepting the aliens invitation people just panic. And say that they tried to "abduct" them. Of course I'm not saying that they (the aliens) have not used force before but I suspect that many of those times the human was resisting. For example there has been many occasions when the extraterrestrials actually heal or fix something in the body's of humans. If they really needed to heal that person, even if the human was resisting they would have to use force to take him. And people say that aliens want to probe us and cut us in half, maybe they are just undergoing surgery, I mean go to a hospital and look at a patient they have all sort of stuff in their body's.

    I agree with DerFurst, you should always be careful because you never really know what's going on. However I'm gonna have to give you the opposite advice : don't let the current negative view cloud you're judgement and remember your past experience. I don't think they would lie to you, I mean if they are ridiculously more advanced than us and can control our thoughts why would they lie? I mean if they saw us as ants compared to them....would you lie to an ant?

    I am convinced that I have at least been abducted three times...all three have been positive experiences they once healed my back (I still have the scars) and another time from an illness in my lungs. I'm not saying that they are all good guys but if they invited you to go on an awesome ride on a flying saucer and where as polite as you say....they where probably good guys.

  4. #4

    Re: My great. True experience.

    I recommend Dolores Cannon's books on regression. She found out a lot of interesting 'facts' about abduction, aliens, etc. which also does not support the "Hollywood-Horror"-version.

    Alternatively, regressionists Mary Rodwell or Barbara Lamb provide the same overall results:

    Janet Colli is another author:

    For contrast, Dr Jacobs has a more negative view it seems, but his method of regression is more on the surface it seems, he just retrieves the memories on the ego-level where some remember it as terror, not Higher Self or Collective Subconsciousness level with a different overview:
    This collector of useless clutter.

  5. Re: My great. True experience.

    I'll have to check those out. Thank you!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: My great. True experience.

    I have not read the link´s but what I want to say is...everytime I have connect to other Groups with specific belief...I have experienced what the Group idea is...if the Group idea is about aliens then you will experience aliens...if it is about demons then you do experience what I have noticed is what belief you are nurturing you will live in that reality so to speak...if you know that you do create all by your self...then it does start to change all experiences ever...and start to know that we do create ...that every thought matters so to speak...when truly understand this...then you stop making up horrors and bad things...but what is already created you have to face and make is only the law of duality...and to peal every lear what you have created...and underrstand why you did it...most it is the upbrining and the society is not easy to free yourself from that...and to see what is pure illusion...when you have had ever so Little peak of real can start to understand the illusion...I do not say it is easy...but it is Worth all the effort.

    This site is the best I have ever find...and supportive too.

    Love you all.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Victoria, Australia
    Blog Entries

    Re: My great. True experience.

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    I have not read the link´s but what I want to say is...everytime I have connect to other Groups with specific belief...I have experienced what the Group idea is...if the Group idea is about aliens then you will experience aliens...if it is about demons then you do experience what I have noticed is what belief you are nurturing you will live in that reality so to speak...if you know that you do create all by your self...then it does start to change all experiences ever...and start to know that we do create ...that every thought matters so to speak...when truly understand this...then you stop making up horrors and bad things...

    Excerpt from article by Andy Hughes on Seth Material:


    In the most basic sense, the purpose of life is being - as opposed to not being.
    In your system of three-dimensional reality you are learning about mental energy (also called thought energy or psychic energy) and how to use it.
    Knowledge about mental energy and its use is learned by constantly transforming your thoughts and emotions into physical form (your physical reality) and by then perceiving and dealing with the matter and events that are formed.
    From doing this, you are supposed to get a clear picture of your inner development as it is reflected by the exterior environment.
    You participate in physical reality so that you can operate and experience within this dimension. Here, you can develop your abilities, learn, create, solve problems and help others.
    Matter is the shape that basic experience takes when it comes into your three-dimensional system.
    Your dreams, thoughts, expectations, beliefs and emotions are literally transformed into physical matter.

    Every nerve and fiber within the body has an unseen inner purpose.

    Nerve impulses travel outward from the body, along invisible pathways, in much the same manner that they travel within the body.
    These pathways are carriers of telepathic thoughts, impulses, and desires containing all the codified data necessary for translating any thought or image into physical actuality, altering seemingly objective events.

    This telepathy operates constantly at an "automatic" or subconscious level, providing communication to back up sensory data. Telepathy is the glue that holds the physical universe in position, so that you can agree on the existence and properties of objects. In one respect, your body and all physical objects go flying out in all directions from the inner core of the whole self.
    The physical environment is, therefore, as much a part of you as your own body.

    What seems to be a perception, an objective concrete event independent from you, is instead the materialization of your own emotions, energy and mental environment. Events and objects are actually focal points where highly charged psychic impulses are transformed into something that can be physically perceived: a breakthrough into matter.

    The intensity of a thought or image largely determines the immediacy of the physical materialization. All such images or thoughts are not completely materialized, in your perception, as their intensity may be too weak.
    “Vision without action is daydream.
    Action without vision is nightmare.”
    —Japanese Proverb

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: My great. True experience.

    Hi John,
    My experience is also what this article is telling..."The physical enviroment is therefor as much a part of you as your own body"...
    When you have lived all what is in the body...a decire to experience.....that long you are gong to incarnate into a body...but when you are done so to are ready to be United to more a Onesess or LOVE...and it is a whole different existence.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #9

    Re: My great. True experience.

    Wow John, thank you so much for this extensive copy from Jane Roberts book. I have the two Seth copies upstairs in bedroom cupboard and haven't looked at them for years. This is exactly what I need to be reading to help get my head around multiple questions. Seems sometimes better to read a book twice. First read was interesting but I didn't have questions .
    Last edited by susan; 18th May 2014 at 08:48 PM.

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