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Thread: Last Night's Dream

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Charleston, SC USA

    Last Night's Dream

    So, last night I dreamed that I was at an outdoor fruit market. Aside from the fruit and random people shopping in the background there were many, many ravens. On the ground, on the tables, on the fruit, on every surface, but they weren't bothering anyone. I walked around contentedly looking at the fruit when suddenly, with no provocation, a raven jumped at me and started attacking my hands. It bit me over and over again, opening deep wounds on both hands. It was bites only; no scratches from claws. No one came to my aid. Everyone just continued wandering around and shopping as if nothing were happening. The last thing I remember was looking at the wounds (which were oddly not bleeding, just laid open) and thinking that I needed to get to a hospital to get stitched up. The only other detail I recall is that the setting of the market was very similar to an area on the grounds of my childhood elementary school, a place I have not seen in close to 40 years.

    Anyone have thoughts on this one? It wasn't a lucid dream but it didn't feel like an ordinary dream either.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Last Night's Dream

    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy View Post
    So, last night I dreamed that I was at an outdoor fruit market. Aside from the fruit and random people shopping in the background there were many, many ravens. On the ground, on the tables, on the fruit, on every surface, but they weren't bothering anyone. I walked around contentedly looking at the fruit when suddenly, with no provocation, a raven jumped at me and started attacking my hands. It bit me over and over again, opening deep wounds on both hands. It was bites only; no scratches from claws. No one came to my aid. Everyone just continued wandering around and shopping as if nothing were happening. The last thing I remember was looking at the wounds (which were oddly not bleeding, just laid open) and thinking that I needed to get to a hospital to get stitched up. The only other detail I recall is that the setting of the market was very similar to an area on the grounds of my childhood elementary school, a place I have not seen in close to 40 years.

    Anyone have thoughts on this one? It wasn't a lucid dream but it didn't feel like an ordinary dream either.

    Hi Daisy,
    Are you thinking to do some Changes in your Life and having someone dissagreaging on your choices?? or did this happen at the elementary school age and maybe repeting it self today??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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  3. #3
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    Charleston, SC USA

    Re: Last Night's Dream

    Hmm, no, not really. I am content with marriage, my home, my family and my work. The only change is my decision to take my spiritual life more seriously instead of just dabbling at it. But have no one in life disagreeing with that decision. And as for elementary school-that was so long ago. I was just a child; I left that school after fifth grade and moved very far away from that place. It was a very happy time for me, but that's all.

    I just don't know. I do tend to try to find meaning in everything. Maybe a dream is just a dream, but this one did feel different.

  4. #4
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Last Night's Dream

    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy View Post
    Hmm, no, not really. I am content with marriage, my home, my family and my work. The only change is my decision to take my spiritual life more seriously instead of just dabbling at it. But have no one in life disagreeing with that decision. And as for elementary school-that was so long ago. I was just a child; I left that school after fifth grade and moved very far away from that place. It was a very happy time for me, but that's all.

    I just don't know. I do tend to try to find meaning in everything. Maybe a dream is just a dream, but this one did feel different.
    Hi Daisy,
    Maybe it is a symbol the raven want you to understand to work less(hands) and take the spirituality more seriously??
    Does raven have a specific meaning to you??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  5. #5
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    Charleston, SC USA

    Re: Last Night's Dream

    No, ravens don't have a special meaning to me. Birds in general, yes, as I used to breed birds and have owned several different breeds.

    I can believe it is a sign that I need to take my spirituality more seriously. It's something I've toyed with for years but I feel committed now in a way I have never felt before. Maybe it's my age catching up with me, but I have a strong need to learn and to understand...and mostly to become a better person.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Last Night's Dream

    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy View Post
    No, ravens don't have a special meaning to me. Birds in general, yes, as I used to breed birds and have owned several different breeds.

    I can believe it is a sign that I need to take my spirituality more seriously. It's something I've toyed with for years but I feel committed now in a way I have never felt before. Maybe it's my age catching up with me, but I have a strong need to learn and to understand...and mostly to become a better person.
    Hi Daisy,
    It is only you who can know in the end what symbol the raven has for you, mostly I am helped by my feelings in a Dream, and sometimes I do not dare to admit even I know what it meanĀ“s because it can be very delicate and fragil still, but as more as I can be honest the more I am doing it in right way, and what I have noticed to admit it openly it does make the inner work faster...
    Only you know how you want to work with your inner purification so to speak, openly or more intimet with a near friend....but I have noticed it does fasten up if I do it openly, as I have choosen this site for it, but we all have to find what we feel comfortable with, there is not per se right answeres, the right answere is what works best for you.
    I could say what feelings your Writing awakes in me if you like, but then you have asked for it

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #7
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    Re: Last Night's Dream

    The Raven has symbolized (for native americans and other cultures too) a messenger from the 'other side'. There may be various reasons for it, but it was believed that souls were transported to the 'other side' by the raven or crow, and so culturally it has been related to 'the other side'. When I had my first spiritual awakening, I had a vision in which I was welcomed to the neighborhood by a group of ravens in a tree, while I was on the ground looking up at them. I realized later on that it was an initiatic dream, since when I woke up uncomprehendingly, it seemed like a very important thing. So I didn't forget it, and soon after, my life got a lot more interesting.
    I'm not saying that it may have such a meaning for you, just sharing my experience.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #8
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    Louisville Ky.

    Re: Last Night's Dream


    Sounds like typical neg type activity to me. Ive had the same type of thing happen but with bats ect... I know its not quite the same but the black symbolism and the attack hints at they dont like your new spiritual initiatives. Look for it to maybe continue. mine got worse. On the other hand it could be strong negative thoughts you have had, perhaps that day, expressing themselves....again all i have is my own experience.
    I sent my soul through the Invisible. Some letter of that After-life to spell: And by and by my Soul returned to me and answered. "I Myself am Heaven and Hell." - Omar Kayyam

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Washington State USA

    Re: Last Night's Dream

    My feeling is that a market where you are looking at fruit may symbolize an activity that you do like casually browsing for knowledge. I find food in dreams to relate to information. That the setting is like where you went to elementary school suggests to me that the knowledge is foundational or elementary. Being pecked in the hands by a black denizen of the air --- some person or aspect of the information gathering or knowledge shopping process involves/will involve an experience of feeling sharply attacked or put off by ideas. Not a big enough attack or startling enough of an idea to throw you totally off balance - but sharp, and requiring healing. Hands to me are manifestation tools - "hands on" how we make things happen given what we learn, also a mode of learning.

    Hope this helps

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