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Thread: COPY: "we are all one" question

  1. COPY: "we are all one" question

    gday robert. i hope you are well. i had some questions for you and i wanted to ask these in sequence. thank you so much for your input on this because it's been driving me mad. i know nobody truly knows 100%the answer to these questions. however, it seems you, one of my best friends, William buhlman and many other people who are really knowledgeable in this stuff all come to the same conclusions. it sounds wonderful... but i would appreciate it so much if you can help me.

    "we are all one" i get... that we all come from source. source creates TONS of copies of itself etc. i am very lost on this one question though. i was talking to a guy who said we all come from source. i agreed. he then told me i am everything. i kind of understood this but it got me thinking. if i am everything... i am you. so basically i am waiting for a reply from myself? i said okay... if someone stabs me to death that was me stabbing myself to death? and then he said yes. and you both agreed to it. first of all he said "both" if i am everything and everyone then it would just be me agreeing to another aspect of myself i am completely unaware of wanting to stab me to death... why? this makes absolutely no sense to me. i got some questions for you

    1. all the people getting murdered in the streets. all the violence. people killing eachother over playing music too loud. the corruption. all this junk... lets say a random person kills a kid in the streets on purpose. am i that random person and that kid? does this make sense? i would sure hope not... its not that i see myself as separate from everybody its more so that i make my own decisions... am i part of the whole but i have my own unique consciousness? or am i all of this at once and don't even realize it?

    2. all my guides... if i am everything then i am all of my guides too?

    3. if i am you and you are me... right now i am typing to myself waiting for a reply from myself?

    4. do we each have our own consciousness? i get we all come from source... and are all connected but i would sure hope we all have our own free will and there are other "beings" so to speak. i say this because this makes me feel INCREDIBLY powerful. yet... INCREDIBLY super... lonely. if i am all tat exists and everything that is happening is me on a superconscious level and this is all a giant "game" with myself that really stings for me.

    5. negs... negs attacking people or even myself. am i those negs? again... if i am everything... you see where i am going with this?

    6. example... i saw a long time ago a story of a women killer her baby in the most disgusting way possible. i avoid any form of media at all costs now and have for a good year. i thought to myself... my god. if i am everything and everyone.... i am her? and i chose to do that on another level of consciousness i am not aware of? i really hope not....

    i hope this made sense robert. i cant explain this very good but i sure try.

  2. #2
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    Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahasraraawaken View Post
    or am i all of this at once and don't even realize it?
    Yes, but neither. The greater One, the Universal Consciousness, if you like, is all of it at once, and fooling Itself so it doesn't realise it (for the most part; occasionally, Consciousness wakes up to Itself).

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahasraraawaken View Post
    all my guides... if i am everything then i am all of my guides too?
    Yes (but see above; it's not actually about "you").

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahasraraawaken View Post
    if i am you and you are me... right now i am typing to myself waiting for a reply from myself?
    Yes. And you're also sharing a line from a Beatles song: "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together." (That's from "I Am the Walrus": )

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahasraraawaken View Post
    do we each have our own consciousness?
    I can only speak from my interpretation of my experience. And the answer is, "No, not really, though it seems that way." This is part of what is meant by "ego death". The ego is that which is 100% convinced it is a special little snowflake and wholly separate from everything else. Once that is seen through, the ego, as it has known itself, is no longer that. It knows better. It may still like to pretend (and it will, given a chance), but...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahasraraawaken View Post
    negs attacking people or even myself. am i those negs? again... if i am everything... you see where i am going with this?
    Yes. Negs are no different to people who beat you up and steal your lunch money, or hold you down and try to strangle you, or actually strangle you. They're part of the One, as well. WHICH parts of the infinite One are experienced by any other part of the infinite one depends on the filters (beliefs, thoughts, cultural conditioning, etc. etc.) of any particular part of the One. Make sense? Possibly not. I suspect it's something that must be experienced.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahasraraawaken View Post
    i saw a long time ago a story of a women killer her baby in the most disgusting way possible. i avoid any form of media at all costs now and have for a good year. i thought to myself... my god. if i am everything and everyone.... i am her? and i chose to do that on another level of consciousness i am not aware of? i really hope not....
    "You" are not "her". The One is her. The One is the baby. The One is the tree in my front yard. The One is me. The one commits genocide and is simultaneously the victims of that act. The One is All. You are the One, and therefore, yes, you are all that, but "you" don't even exist (not really) and neither does anything else. It's all a complicated, infinite dream that Consciousness is dreaming. (Or so I suspect; I don't actually know what lies beyond the dream that is reality, and it may not be possible for a limited ego-based human mind to know such things, anyway.)

    Now, did all that sound fairly insane? I wouldn't be surprised if it did. It's entirely counter-intuitive, and it doesn't make any sense at all from the limited perspective of the ego-self. It's impossible to grasp fully with the limitations of the human mind. It can be experienced, but is it ever really understood...? I can't say, but I have my doubts...
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

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    Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    Hi Sahasraraawaken,

    I saw that you made a copy of your question to RB, so I asume you want others oppinion aswell, if not then I more than happy will delete my post.

    My point of view is the answere both yes and no...even it is a paradox to talk about levels and degrees but for our understanding it is nearly a must for us to understand...because we have a creasing understanding and that is what learning is understand more and more with time so to speak.

    To feel that we are one does help for me as an idividual to stop doing bad things to others, when having the feeling that it is me I am harming...but there is persons who does not care for them selves so it is tricky how to first learn that person to start to develop self love to stop harming.

    When this is achived then it does take another delicater/sublime level of understanding....

    When more understanding is achived then it is to start to understand about the Atonament, and also stop compeating with God.
    Ego is the one who does give us all problems, it does think it is superior and does not need God...we have free will, and we can choose what we follow and listen to....and we can defend truth as we can defend lies...We are created by the Source...but we have also created illusions...and to sort out what is the right Creator...we know in us what is right and wrong, but to dare to start listening inwards is not easy, we seek all the time outside of us the answeres....and we get dissapointed...we feel deceived by others when it is we who must start to listen inwards....

    I do fail all the time when talking about this subject...what I know and want to say, I do not succeed...but one thing is also what is know that there is only ONE GOD...and I am His creation...what does make problems is when believing that I can do what ever I want without cause and effect...and blame others for my own soon as I understand that I am the one who has messed it up for myself...and I have to do the work...but God does provide if I learn to listen inwards...

    I have to capitulate and know my place in the Creation...and work towards the Atonament, then I am welcome back home, my real accept to be one with the Creator.

    I might have messed more up than I have said many timeĀ“s I do not succeed to dress in words what my inner knowing knows

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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    Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    To me its like this: We are all one, yet separate individual consciousness creating our own individual separate reality. We are connected to each other, inseparable in a cosmic web... connected to Source, or All That Is because Source or All That Is is in everything.
    We, as consciousness each have our own individual experience even though we are Source and Source is us. Even if it seems as if you are everything and everything is you, it is not you as in your unique experience that commits the horrible act of, for instance, killing an infant as a mother. You are connected intimately to source and hence to that horrible act but in my opinion it is not directly your experience but theirs. Even if this seems as I'm trying to justify that my EGO is separate from everything I don't mean it like that. I know that my ego is my ego and that its not truly me.

    The way I understand it is that Source split itself in countless, unlimited ways and that everything is a branch of from Source. In this way we are linked, but still have our own separable experience. Source wants unlimited expression.

    You don't need to feel bad personally for something bad someone else does as it is not you, not your ego and not your true self or whatever you want to call it that is committing the act. Unless you are directly connected to that person/experience through the higher self I guess. But that's just speculation from my part.
    I guess I'm trying to find a way with words to separate you from others experience even though your not truly separate. I'm trying to say is that your experience is unique and separate from others, even though you are intimately connected.

    This is my interpretation, but there are many others with far more experience than me. I just thought I'de throw my few cents in here.
    I love this discussion!
    Last edited by SiriusTraveler; 2nd June 2014 at 08:58 AM.

  5. #5

    Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    It is and it is NOT. It's all about the frame of reference, point of view and semantics you choose to define or describe things from.

    Let's say that "the All/Source" is Gaia.

    You can see your Higher Self as the tree, deeply rooted in "the all", all is connected.

    Then let's look at a small leaf, which is your "little" ego-self.

    You can describe it now from the PoV of the Ground (Gaia), the whole tree, the tree's root in the ground, the tree's stem, the tree's main branches, the tree's little branches, the branch where the leaf grew out from. Or - last not least - from the leaf itself, which is what most people do.

    In autumn, the leaf dies and falls to the ground, withers and decays. This is the natural cycle and how it goes back to Source after it's "hey-I'm-part-of-a-tree-how-cool" experience.

    Now we can speculate and this is all we can do. Let's say the essence of the leaf survives like a morphic or energetic field of information and consciousness. It might become part of another tree or the same tree - which is likely since it it gets absorbed back near where the roots of the tree it fell from are, maybe it is planned this way. It (the leaf essence) might however instead choose to stay in the ground of Gaia (stay with Source) because it's more cozy there. The same might happen to the entire tree (Higher Self) if it has had enough tree experience (again...) and decides to fall or get felled. Despite being 'disrooted' it is not disconnected because the wood on the ground decays like the leaf did before and 'goes back' to Source.

    You see, I'm struggling a bit to keep the analogy up, it's not perfect, it's just to show how one could describe these things from many angles.

    Who knows what really happens and "is". Nobody does. We can only speculate and entertain ourselves with possibilites.

    Last edited by Sinera; 2nd June 2014 at 11:06 AM. Reason: problems with tree picture embedding
    This collector of useless clutter.

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    Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    Who knows what really happens and "is". Nobody does. We can only speculate and entertain ourselves with possibilites.
    Agree, and its part of our unique experiences!

  7. Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    Thanks for replies! If this is true though does this make you feel lonely? Make love to someone? Making love to yourself ... If someone stabs me to death and that someone was me... Then I have the ability to live life in his perspective... What the hell is the point in evolving? Lol. I know I'm consciousness and definitely not my body. body is a vehicle etc etc... I just can't grasp the I am everything. That causes many problems for me. Yet I can accept we all come from the same source.. but I guess its an identity issue. I see people eating their babies and then I'm told I'm everybody I go huh? That's depressing! It was pretty fun when I felt we all were unique and had our own free will and consciousness. Now its like "you are them" and I'm goin.... Well this stinks. It makes me feel very lonely. It's like its a big game with myself and I wasn't supposed to know and now I am goin.... Huh?

  8. #8
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    Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahasraraawaken View Post
    Thanks for replies! If this is true though does this make you feel lonely? Make love to someone? Making love to yourself ... If someone stabs me to death and that someone was me... Then I have the ability to live life in his perspective... What the hell is the point in evolving? Lol. I know I'm consciousness and definitely not my body. body is a vehicle etc etc... I just can't grasp the I am everything. That causes many problems for me. Yet I can accept we all come from the same source.. but I guess its an identity issue. I see people eating their babies and then I'm told I'm everybody I go huh? That's depressing! It was pretty fun when I felt we all were unique and had our own free will and consciousness. Now its like "you are them" and I'm goin.... Well this stinks. It makes me feel very lonely. It's like its a big game with myself and I wasn't supposed to know and now I am goin.... Huh?
    Hi again
    I am not sure if this will make any sense to you, but what do you think make you feel or makes you not to take in the depth of what we all are trying to tell or decribe to you about being one??
    Do you have problems to forgive them who eat theire babies as you put it??
    Think your self in theire shoes and turn it around...if you had just eat your babies and you wake up and regret and feel horrible about what you whas capable of you not think you hope you will get new opprotunity and be forgiven...and get a new chance??
    Do you not want think you have done much even you do not remember it, and maybe it is a love act that you have forgotten all bad you might have done?? and need Atonament and forgivness ??

    I hope I do not make your feel wors than before, I feel sad that you feel as you do.

    I send much love to you.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #9
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    Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    I think the hologram metaphor applies here: Every part of a hologram contains the whole- but in a living hologram, you can experience all parts in and as the experience of separateness, or you can 'be' all and have no experience. So you and I have the experience of being separate, because we experience from the point of view of our separateness, while there is a sameness to each one of us that we don't experience, except in a mystical state, within certain limitations. So maybe the evolution is not to 'change', but to be able to experience the wholeness individuality brings, without the illusion of separation. We obviously ain't there yet, but it's something, a possibility, to consider.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I think the hologram metaphor applies here: Every part of a hologram contains the whole- but in a living hologram, you can experience all parts in and as the experience of separateness, or you can 'be' all and have no experience. So you and I have the experience of being separate, because we experience from the point of view of our separateness, while there is a sameness to each one of us that we don't experience, except in a mystical state, within certain limitations. So maybe the evolution is not to 'change', but to be able to experience the wholeness individuality brings, without the illusion of separation. We obviously ain't there yet, but it's something, a possibility, to consider.
    I can see this, but doesnt that sound incredibly boring? "We aint there yet" if im making this all up there is no "we" though. And for all the people who arent awakening they arent people... Its me in a different perspective not waking up. The people putting fluoride, a known ingrediant in rat poison, in my water is me... I guess to make things interesting..? :/

    This is why i have a problem with this. :/

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