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Thread: [Tutorial - Video] Out of body Travel - Plane / StateOfCons - Now & Being

  1. [Tutorial - Video] Out of body Travel - Plane / StateOfCons - Now & Being

    Its long :3 It covers the two states: the bundle of experience world, and the just being emptiness world. Then uses those tools and the ability to travel between planes to bring a way of consciously existing where you want to be. Also creates more connections and clearing for your energy and physical body.

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    Re: [Tutorial - Video] Out of body Travel - Plane / StateOfCons - Now & Being

    I'm going to allow this because it doesn't seem to be an advertisement for a product or a movement, but please realize the link posting rules apply to videos too.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. Re: [Tutorial - Video] Out of body Travel - Plane / StateOfCons - Now & Being

    I was kind of looking for some feedback.. Lots of views but no comments xD Like do you guys see and explore out of your body like this?

    I feel more self-conscious around this forum because its the first I have been on that has bodies with lots of experience. Hence why I'm curious if you guys see the same way I do

    The layers have been somewhat of a mystery to me. Part of me wants to say that the idea of these planes being seperate is false. But, when you expand you can expand in just one plane.. So if you don't make the switch, you don't move. Well you move but not move move. That doesn't have to mean they are separate but are just different places to be in. Like houses on the earth. Idk weird though.

    I have also been wondering if say telekinesis, works better in a certain layer. Or should you connect certain layers for it to work best?

    Then my deepest thought on this subject is, can you void out completely. Then slowly turn on a body in a different reality all together? Has anyone done this? I have done and seen some impressive manifestations, time getting all not time anymore, complete merges with other physical bodies, and god, my self I have not become yet, talking to me through everything. So can you void out and take on a role somewhere else? I mean we do that just by dropping a memory and moving into the now. Its like we have moved realities. I'm wondering about a big one though. I see how it is possible, but has anyone done it? It seems it is a step by step progress. First you become one with yourself. Then you see yourself in everyone. Then you have a full connect with someone. Then maybe because you believe; you are able to change up reality on an even bigger scale. Then you see that and can go even bigger. So on and so on.

    Perhaps everyone has, because we are already connected. We are already where we are trying to be.

    But saying that and doing it is two different things.

    Now I feel there was no question in that. Only me talking to me xD

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