-e inviting me to his halloween party. though he invited me last minute it's nice he thought of me at all and invited me. haven't seen him in so long but am not yet ready to see him yet. i had thought i felt him thinking of me too and that he would be hitting me up soon.
-d texting me today.i rarely feel our texting goes smooth,and today seemed the same. at this point i feel more of a friendship connection,proven by me being emotionally confiding and not caring whereas i may have played it cooler if i've been feeling more of a spark.
-pulling a love card for tarot as for what's to come with me and d. so,apparently despite all that's gone down,were going to be in love/in a relationship. i'm not surprised but at this point,the vibes feel way more chill then they did before on my end.
-getting my fur angel illustrated and how cute it is and m doing another one for the project
-going to tanning bed today and actually going in the bed and staying in for 3 minutes. got tan definitely. next time i'll stay in for four minutes and actually lay my head down
-drinking 3 liters of water today. getting back on track with meeting my water goals
-a stove to cook with
-my beauty
-being a woman
-getting what i want
-people to tell me when i'm not seeing things clearly
-catching up on some emails
-being offered that paid job close by
-body oils
-body moisturizers
-aloe vera
-lip balms
-how in tune with life i am lately and the synchonicity and life speaking to me. all i have to do is open an email to a song,and it's exactly what has been in my head of my life thoughts. so cool
-healing and wellness and the holistic
-working in a creative field
-people reaching out to me socially
-trimming my bangs,painting my toenails the other day. doing the little girly things that help me love myself and feel good
-doing cool things
-my desire for physical fitness
-asking questions when i need help
-my creative director
-life and experiences
-attractive men
-tibetan singing bowls
-beautiful sounds
-dim lighting
-feeling more relaxed
-not taking things too seriously
-my phone