Quote Originally Posted by Dreamweaver View Post
Sometimes over the background eeeee I get a sudden, louder, "incoming" eeee of a slightly different tone.
I get that, too, sometimes. The "key change" thing.

I'm pretty sure mine is ear damage, too. When I was a kid, we used to go to the shooting range and I never wore ear protection (nobody did, it was a long time ago and people were stupider or something), and then I used to blast my music in earphones back in the days before earphones were regulated to try to protect your ears. And I went to a few rock concerts in the Eighties without ear protection (I learned my lesson after the first one and went with earplugs after that and found I could hear everything perfectly well but not have my ears ring literally for days afterward). But, alas, the damage is done...

Thankfully, I'm actually not that bothered by it most of the time.