In last night Dreams I was in a room and on the window sill was an creature what I have never seen Before, I felt it was just a Child, so I asked if it can fly, it turned to me and said YES...I opened the window and out it flew, I saw in the shy huge creature and I could see it was the mother, I was happy to see them re-unite.

In this episode I had a lot...and I was checking the lot-number and I got the high score....I Went out and told my boss, she said she wanted to check the lot-number again, and vaniched....I tried to locate her, but every time I got her spotted she slipped away....

In this episode I knocked on my grandchildrens door, A opened the door and I Went inside and i saw their mother and my son sleeping together, I asked A if she had breakfast, if not, she could come to my home and eat together with me.....

In this episode I was looking up on a monkey have climbed up to the top of the building, I was Calling for him, and soon I felt on my back where he landed, I was so compelled how he could jump from so hight, and still not injure me??