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Thread: To MooSaysTheCat

  1. #1

    To MooSaysTheCat

    I am so so sorry MooSaysThe Cat.
    I have listed in the energy section because I think telepathic energy was the issue .
    For the last 2 nights I have had non stop chatter during the night and one night it wasn't nice. Everything was different.
    I knew I didn't have the same beautiful contact and in fact one night was so confusing. I didn't understand this because apart from the usual ' Amazon 1 click xmas shopping stress' everything in my day to day life was normal. However through the day on this site I felt confrontational , whilst out at work I agreed and sometimes started issues about people.
    In fact I usually hide in my journal section where I feel safe from receiving any hurtful responses.
    Tonight I had a call from one of my sons and he has been hiding a deep concern that we needed to be told about and he plucked up courage to tell me first. He learnt on Thursday and had been chewing over this , worrying about telling me.
    The timing makes sense.
    I think if possible I was picking up his confused , worried, scared mind, directed at our contact.

    I think you were in the firing line because I saw an opportunity, whilst all this was going on. so for that I say sorry.
    I think and hope I've relieved him from any undue immediate stress and let him know that life is about learning how to accept and deal with challenges that we are confronted with in life , and he has a loving family behind him.
    Ps, that said, a little less language my dear . With love

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    ...I'm sorry but I don't wish to have any stalkers.

    Re: To MooSaysTheCat

    ...I will reply with a private message. I think it's more appropriate and I will be able to write more freely..away from curious onlookers ....yes...I'm talking about YOU person reading this right now ...this treads title is "To MooSaysTheCat" and I know for a fact that you are not him or her...
    What is a "Signature"? Oooh I see now...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: To MooSaysTheCat

    I do feel everyday both happy and unhappy "shatter" it is nice when I know whom it attends, but when I do not know, I have learned to let go and do not give any thoughts at all.
    I know how hard this was when I was a child and I did talk openly what I Heard and I did get very angry adults, it did take time to understand that I could hear others thoughts. And today I know that when you are tooned to someone´s freequency then you do hear things.....I do not know if this can be called thelepahty...or only intooned??
    The last one what I Heard was my childhood friend...I hear her great....I hear her say this many time´s so I did give her a call and asked what great has happened in her Life...she started to laugh and asked...did you really hear me say that...Yes I did....she had been to course and in the end the course-holder asked her to read a poem, and she felt so was like an recognizing of her Point of view to be good....

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce


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