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Thread: Being shot by a mad gunman and "feeling it"

  1. #1

    Being shot by a mad gunman and "feeling it"

    Has anyone been shot in a dream?

    I was in a shopping mall and there was a gun man. People running off in panic. I tried to reach the glass door for outside. Bad luck. The guy WAS outside.

    I ran past him and saw him aiming at me. Heard a loud shot. Was hit in the guts, right side.

    Now the thing is this: By coinincidence at exactly this moment I was turning in bed and dragged/tore my gut a bit so that it was understandable that I felt a 'sting' there by the movement or tearing or so. It was where he hit me in the dream it seems.

    The dream went on and I ran up the street. He did not follow me but shot another time. It seems he hit me again. I should have dropped down then taking that second shot I thought to myself.

    But then I realised how stupid this is and that I do not want this. I was not in great fear anyway all the time. I do not feel fear in dreams. They are rather like movies for me. I did not like being shot (who does as a matter of fact?) and so I did what I usually do when the situations becomes to bizarre or 'nightmarish: I 'decided' to wake up and so I do.

    Still it is so interesting that I felt the shot in my physical body with the syncronicity (here very literal because of synchronous events in the astral + physical) which could explain it. Exactly at "THIS" moment when the dream bullet hit me there I felt it. And it was physical!


    I have not health problem there, not that I know of it. I do not believe that is the meaning. So what could it mean?

    Dreammoods offers this (relevant parts for me only):

    To dream that someone is shooting you with a gun suggests that you are experiencing some confrontation in your waking life. You may be feeling victimized in some situation. (...) To dream that you are shot or being shot at represents a form of self-punishment that you may be subconsciously imposing on yourself. You may have done something that you are ashamed of or are not proud of.
    I might have felt too 'victimised' lately by some circumstances indeed, it's mostly about a job I started to hate now. I have to do it for the money. Self-blame about some other things could be true too. I even blamed myself for not being able anymore to 'manifest' a better job.

    Also the question if s.o. else here was hit by a gun and what was your interpretation? A different one? (Btw I also was hit by lightning once in a dream and felt the energy too!).
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  2. #2
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    Re: Being shot by a mad gunman and "feeling it"

    Hi Sinera,
    Yes, many times as a Child, I was often in a Dream shot in my stomach and my back, I fell into a ditch with water, but I managed Always to escape Went like in slowmotion in the Dream, when I run I was like jammed and so Heavy, but somehow I Always escaped and was okay and alive

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  3. #3
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    Re: Being shot by a mad gunman and "feeling it"

    I remember a long time ago I heard a strange sound in a dream and all the characters in the dream (it was a circus) including the lion happened to be bewildered. It continued for a while until I woke up to find out it was my alarm clock all along so I do think things in the physical can translate into the astral, or in my case- find meaning in the dream for what's going on in the physical. Also- as I remember a long time ago I remember floating out of my control in a dream all of a sudden and wake up to find out someone was actually trying to pull me out of my body in the RTZ during the dream (that was scary). So the mind was trying to make sense of it during the dream.
    I was never shot in a dream but I get dreams about having to escape from someone/ some kind of organization a lot. I remember once I just thought I was scared of some crazy dude- scared that he would chase after me and that second he did just that. So you could say I made it happen.
    Also- it's normal for the mind to dream about things that the person is threatened by- otherwise he can possibly go crazy.
    sorry if I didn't answer your question have a good day/night!
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  4. #4
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    Re: Being shot by a mad gunman and "feeling it"

    I've been shot in dreams. I've been killed in all kinds of ways in dreams, in fact. The ones where I was shot, yes, I felt it. I felt the bullet go in, I dropped to my knees. In at least one of these dreams (which I'd qualify as a nightmare), I said, "I'm shot," and then promptly died. (It's entirely untrue that if you dream you're dying, you will die in waking life. Not only have I dreamed of being killed or dying, I've also had many dreams where I'm actually dead and a ghost.)

    In my case, dreaming of being pursued (by a hired assassin, by Nazis -- yes, really, by abusers of various sorts, by monsters, by ghosts or evil undead) is directly related to feeling like I'm being hunted and pursued. I haven't had one of those dreams in a really, really long time, though, because I've worked through all the issues that led to those feelings (my dysfunctional family legacy; took years to get through it). I suppose for some people, dreams of that nature would have a more urgent, more present source, rather than deeply held issues like I had.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Being shot by a mad gunman and "feeling it"

    I've been killed in dreams many times but never shot. Can't say I would know what it feels like. Thankfully.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Being shot by a mad gunman and "feeling it"

    I've been killed, possessed, shot and such, but these were all in dreams. Nothing physical had happened. Even the possession was just in dreams itself. Usually when I die though, my vision just turns white and I end up somewhere else and feel untouched.

    Though there was this one time where I woke up and my hand was moving by itself.


  7. #7

    Re: Being shot by a mad gunman and "feeling it"

    I was surprised to see the title of this thread because in a dream a while ago I was shot by a madman in the chest to the left of my solar plexus. It hurt really bad when I woke up and it was sore for a few days. There wasn't a bruise though.

  8. #8
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    Re: Being shot by a mad gunman and "feeling it"

    Like everyone else I've been shot and stabbed repeatedly and shot and lol stabbed others repeatedly. A few weeks ago I found myself In a hallway brightly lit by 2 exit doors a few feet to my left. Out of no where a wild eyed maniac dressed mostly in black came over and sat down across from me his back resting on the opposite wall. He instantly pulled out a revolver and started blasting away....I was shot in the left side bottom of the ribs...I knew only because of the direction of his aim when he fired. Ofcourse when I looked down my "body" obligingly produced some blood. I remained unperturbed.
    But no sooner had he shot then he became fixated on a large mirror just to my left between myself and the exit doors and he started glaring into what I assumned was his reflection or light reflecting in it. Sweating profusely his mouth in a snarl he, quite transfixed , fired 5 more times in quick succession into the mirror. I just sat there sorta wondering what the hell this guys problem was. But couldnt really because the BLAST coming out of the end of his pistol was pretty much rocking my world... call it thought form energy or what ever but the Bang..Bang ect.. with light greyish flash and smoke was like some drill instructor getting in your face and yelling HEY! ...HEY!....HEY! at the top of his lungs. I didnt make it all the way through somewhere around bang number 5 or 6 I awoke.....crazy weirdo. Wish I could say he was the only one Ive come across.
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