ButterflyWoman, you are an interesting individual. :]

Learning about energy, about raising it, about controlling it is commonly unexpected to be very important.

I got pulled into energy work because it was impactful in a way that it opened my mind. Suddenly, I felt like a child again. I was getting my imagination back when before it was taken from me by society. I was able to realize that I am as creative as I was, potentially speaking.

I tell you, once you break those chains (Plato reference), you will feel complete.

I still use energy work to keep control of Self and, in a positive way, improve or affect those around me.

But the very first reason why I researched energy work was for psychic defense. Weird thing about practicing this too: After a while, I believe it becomes automatic or practicing energy work in general makes it so that if something is sapping from you, you don't even feel it because I imagine it's like... My aura is like a big dog and their aura is like a chihuahua. They can only make their presence known but I look passed them because they will never affect me, you understand? lol bad analogy..

Also, once you practice these things, you begin to see other people with, i would call, gifts. You spot them like vampires for you are also a vampire, metaphorically speaking.

These gifted people I speak of, you spot them because they're mind is open like your own. You see their aura; you see their potential; you can see their above-average awareness; you can see their intelligence; you can see that they are going to make, if not already making, a difference in the world in a positive way.

The same could be said about the opposite. You can spot bad-juju; you can see them in/on people.

Additionally, I would like to mention a third kind of persona. This type of aura I see most people have. It's scary. Most of the population (at least in America) are on neutral. So accustomed to an automatic life; never having to think for self or for community. They stare at facebook in their mobile devices so long that they are developing back problems. I love technology but I hate what it does to people. It's like they're zombies. You try to talk to one in a critical way (about life or beliefs for example) and they always go, "I hadn't really thought about it."

It drives me nuts and I don't but I'd like to ask, "What have you really thought about, ever?"

Energy work is a beautiful realization because you know you can influence people in a positive way -- a way that could really make a difference in their life.

It opens your mind, it opens your heart, and it makes you stronger.

I believe if there were to be peace on earth, wisdom of this must be widely possessed.

I believe we can get there and it starts now, wherever you may be.