-mason jars
-being a kind person
-my newfound passion for fitness and how 2014 became the year i got really into it and love how happy and puts a pep in people's step when they lose the little bit of weight they've been wanting or come closer to their ideal bodies.
-the wonderful box of muffins brought to me.i feel so spoiled
-all being back to normal with me and B and seeming to go well and us being closer
-getting good sleep.i feel renewed and look better,too
-the sun
-beautiful stories
-emotions and feelings
-upbeat music
-getting thinner and how sexy my stomach feels
-the time i will have to catch up on meditation and affirmations tonight
-contacting a former good friend and how good it felt to hear from her
-all of B's wonderful qualities and how he made me laugh with his text today after i said i love when people send me thank you messages and then he said thank you "my name" for texting me. cracked me up.
-getting things cleaned up and organized and feeling cleared up about a lot of things
-quiet time to reflect and just be
-the sun
-my desire to express
-being feminine and child-like
-feeling sexy
-how relaxed i feel today
-the things going for me in life right now and where i'm at and get to experience
-feeling well and healthy
-lip balms,body oils,and other beauty products
-unfollowing D on twitter,he never followed me back and i have no desire for him to be followed on twitter anyways by me
-allowing change
-project 21 starting off wonderfully
-beautiful models
-having great taste and being innovative
-thank you messages from people
-beautiful symbolisms
-new ideas
-the industries iwork in
-embracing the quiet feeling i feel today
-the ability to see
-feeling and being positive minded
-working on myself and bettering myself
-loving myself