In last night Dream I was asked to pose for advertisment for a Company who sell surfboard. In the Dream I had a bf who was with me to the session, I am standing and holding the surfboard when I looked at my bf he is red on his face and showing sign to cry, I look straigt to him and ask, what is the matter?? tell me, please....and I feel conserned....he does not say anygthing first but then he act like you cared...this hurt me so much so I decided to leave the room, he ought to much I care about everybody and most about I did not stay to be insuted....I was Little bit scarred that he will come after me so I feel how I tense my sholders...I am soon on the parking lot to take the car and drive away, I see at the road and I see Cecar Milan, I am surprised he seam to be keen to talk to me Before I am off, he approaches me and my reaction is....I do not have any dog....more than my bf and he can be a real dog...but I will not take back when I say ...I will not take back him...CM seams to be happy and feels ...mission compleated.....