Have just checked dreaming forum going back 4 years to make sure I hadn't already recorded this one I said I would post . Whilst looking at old posts nice to read of Neil talking of his ' internal jukebox he was getting when waking up that would have meaning to him. I read of my bliss having been standing on a dark planet with someone( page 11, dreaming forum) with two planets so close to where I was standing in space ahead of me I felt were orbiting the planet I was on. Beautiful colours peaking through the black sky.

Why has all this excitement gone? well that's not realy true . I suppose at the beginning this was an introduction. Everything was the wow factor! Now that's over the last two years seems to be how to be a good person. Either a well done ,or my faults being pointed out. I know I had to go through the 'fear' thing in astral . Clairaudience certainly in play more now. Just wish I could have some more Wow!
Recording this dream from a few years ago. ( seems to have similar characteristics to one of michael Newtons recorded descriptions.
Had previously been wondering about retreival work or something to do with helping in astral.
I'm in what looks like an airport terminal with all the shops. Someone is with me but no words are spoken. Over in the distance I can see some people looking distressed sitting on a bench .But we are concentrating on the side we are on and there is a girl whose attention we have to get and make her follow us. She sees us and follows us round the corner. It's then we hold her . She is distressed. We tell her to lie down and go to sleep. A bed suddenly appears below her and she lays down.
Next thing tunnels/ corridors seem to open up all around us and the shopping mall has dissapeared.
These beautiful, gentle, semi transparent people just floated from the tunnel. 4 came over to us and put their arms round the girl speaking to her softly and told her to come with them . I watched as she was as if sleep walking with them down the tunnel they came from, and dissapeared. As I looked around I could see similar figures had come from different tunnels and we're taking some of the other people who were at the other side away.
Michael Newton writes of souls arriving at a central port he called a staging area. This was for the assembly and transfer of souls in mass to their final destination.
Two phases. Brought in and collected then projected to final destination. His accounts all seemed to suggest walking with large numbers of travellers through a central terminal of a metropolitan airport .
One client described the staging area as resembling the hub of a great wagon wheel where we are transported from a centre along the spokes to our designated space moving in and out of the hub in an efficient manner with no congestion.
Wish I could experience this again even if just a dream. I know I dreampt this well before downloading the book to read.

This instruction to lie down and go to sleep seems to be used quite often here.