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Thread: using dark energy for good cause

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Southeast Alaska

    using dark energy for good cause

    Why would a powerful dark being offer a good light being their power?

    One that offered wanted me to use its power that was defined as a weapon. I couldnt figure out any way I would want to use it, and I felt I wanted nothing to do with the being.

    The other, kushtaka, gave me a wand. I havent used it, but I learned Shamans used to seek kushtaka power, so I am reconsidering it. It took a lot from me, so it owed me, but they are usually evil, and are usually deceptive.

    Do they always have malicious ulterior motives like in the movies?
    Or as beings of darkness are they unable to comprehend what good is, yet they wish to take part in it, so they lend their power to someone who can accomplish what they cannot?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    Quote Originally Posted by mystyx View Post
    Why would a powerful dark being offer a good light being their power?

    One that offered wanted me to use its power that was defined as a weapon. I couldnt figure out any way I would want to use it, and I felt I wanted nothing to do with the being.

    The other, kushtaka, gave me a wand. I havent used it, but I learned Shamans used to seek kushtaka power, so I am reconsidering it. It took a lot from me, so it owed me, but they are usually evil, and are usually deceptive.

    Do they always have malicious ulterior motives like in the movies?
    Or as beings of darkness are they unable to comprehend what good is, yet they wish to take part in it, so they lend their power to someone who can accomplish what they cannot?
    I am putting myself out here on a limb, but I have a feeling that it is not good this dividing thing, dark vs light, bad vs good thing….but to melt them together….It has to start somewhere…To dare to start to teach them who are not able to feel good, to do something to get them this experience…I do believe that if you produce LOVE even an evil one will feel it, and if not embrace it, it will stay with them, and grow like a seed….So I believe so much in LOVE that it will solve all.
    Everyone have to take responsibillity of course, and I am not saying to do this or that, only to give a thought to let grow and spread outwards into the darkness.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #3

    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    Please give us some clue to how you managed to contact them? In obe? Some negative beings tend to give you ppwerful tools and then whwn u get dependent on the toll they will come and ask you for something

  4. #4
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    Perth Western Australia

    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    I agree that the interpretation of negative beings may be questioned. For example the Goetic forms are both positive and negative just as the Hermetic elements are both positive and negative and so is the potential for humanity. None of us are perfect . We have flaws and we fall and rise again. IF the being hurts and burns when it appears and IF the being asks one to harm self or another then it is acting negative or evil in that aspect. But sometimes it is a test. The Goetic forms have both an angelic and a demonic aspect. When they appear the query the magickian's heart and mind. When the answer is not loving, when the answer speaks of anger, hatred and revenge then the magickian is punished. The Goetic forms ,ime and imho, are an example of a test and the hateful answer evokes a consequence.

    When a being offers a wand , rod or weapon this is an initiation or attunement. For example, Michael the Archangel is known for appearing to mystics and offering them a sword of energy. That sword is not a weapon to kill. If used for that purpose , the magickian would have dire consequences. The sword is used to dispel the negative being , to protect an innocent from a neg , to banish and to repel. It is not used to spear , maim and execute . I do not know the being you speak of . Many beings have alternate and diverse names but I don't know this one you speak of . However a wand/staff is used to direct and focus the magickian's energy and is not evil.

    The Hermetic Magickian and author, Franz Bardon, expresses that the tool or instrument is not evil or good , it is the intent and the result that is good or evil.
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Southeast Alaska

    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    There is a lot of story behind this.
    The original Kushtaka was created by the Tlingits of southeast Alaska perhaps by a shaman or by the clan itself. Kushtaka means 'half-man otter' or 'land otter'. The Tlingits justly considered the surface of the water being a portal into the spirit world- 15 minutes in the water and you will die. This relation between the half-man otter and how they viewed water is important.. The creature was designed to move between worlds.

    It's original purpose was to save the souls of those who became lost in the wilderness and ocean fjords and died. The Tlingits believed that if you became lost and died then your soul was lost. The task given to the first Kushtaka was to take lost souls and turn them into half-man otters like itself.

    The legend is that the Kushtakas soon became hungry for souls. The original purpose was warped. They began tricking and luring people to their death. They became the arch-enemies of shamans.

    They began causing disasters and thieving. One was at my home shortly before it burned. I suspect it of trying to kill us by putting us all in an abnormally deep sleep. But because of intuition and my ability to be aware of everything going on around me even in the deepest sleep. I was able to save myself and the other people in the house, although one person spent a few months in a hospital.

    I was curious and psychically inquired while me and my brother were at our fish camp over night. I dont know if it was the original Kushtaka. Or one of the many converted souls- or if that even matters. But the energy was so dark and intense that whenever I closed my eyes or blinked all I saw was a wall of hellish visions (gnashing teeth, contorted misshapen faces, convulsing tentacles, writhing.. you get the idea). For some reason I was not scared when I met it face to 'face'. My brother heard it laughing. It may have tricked me into giving it my 3rd chakra by poisoning it so I could not recognize it. My friend could not find my 3rd chakra, if anyone wishes to take a look I would be grateful.

    It seems to go out of its way for attention. That is why its name is taboo. Simply thinking its name in certain areas has a high chance to get it to appear. They are restricted to certain areas of southeast Alaska, its not going show up corporeally in Australia because of this discussion.

    My family has lived here for over 30 years and never had a problem (or even experience) with them that whole time. I think they have been harassing us because they mistook me for a shaman- it all started when I cast a spell to heal someone while I was on the river bank near Klukwaan (a Tlingit village).

    The wand it put on the beach for me has a creepy otter-like face on the end and it fits my hand like it grew from my wrist. It channels Kushtaka energy...

    Claw marks left on a light post in front of the house. It pulled it out of the ground a few weeks before the fire. We still dont know if it was a warning or a threat.
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  6. #6
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    Aug 2013

    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    Hi Mystyx,

    Can you tell little bit more about yourself, you wrote you cast a healing spell and that the Khuctaka mistook you for a shaman??
    Why I ask is to understand the symbolism I see....I can tell the first symbol what came, was a happy duck waggling ....So I would also think you are into shamanism to see this symbol....I need to know little bit more about you, what do you call your magic??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #7
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    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    I dont call it anything. But I learn from the elements and seem to have a lot of wizard aspects. Goddess Selene says I'm a wizard.

    I did a few shaman-like spells near Klukwaan though. For the healing spell I removed the spirit of a stone and replaced it with the sickness. Also I treat the fish I catch in a very shaman-like way. When I was at that same spot I didnt catch any all day so I said that I would like some to come. Within a minute four female salmon hit the net at the same time. I was expressing my love and gratitude to them and the leader waved to me. To you it might be weird but I swallowed their beating hearts to absorb their spirit so I could learn better about the element of water. I also am a freediver (there are nearly no freedivers in alaska). I do it to learn about water and to face fear of death and the unknown. Theres another big reason I freedive that I cant really explain, but it is very similar to the way the half-otters use the water. I used to want to be able to turn into a sea creature at will, and I still kinda do, but I dont need to, I swim like one already. The half-otters must be interested in me because of all those reasons, we have similarities.

    They want to 'assist' me: one of their greatest powers is the ability to turn people into Kushtika, a sea creature. They tried to take me a couple weeks ago. But I knew what was going on and got out of the water. Later that day I was walking down the beach with my friend (because I was too scared to go swimming) and Kushtika popped out of the water and stared at him in broad daylight. He said it looked like a Tlingit (native) with a really long neck and lower lip stretched over its face. Its rare to see one and those that do usually loose their mind. Both me and my dog knew it was in the bay before it showed. He was barking out to sea for apparently no reason (never does that) and I saw it in my mind swimming toward us.

    I dont know if there is a GOOD kushtika. From all indications they are neutral at best and the embodiment of madness and death at the worst. So I have some reservations about becoming one.

  8. #8
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    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    I do not know who Goddess Selena is, you can tell me if you like.

    Is the Kushtika black (dark) and look´s like a thick water snake, I did not get the otter look about it, it came to show em to mee, like this it work´s in my world.
    So thank you for telling more, and I did feel all this, so all make perfectly sense to me.
    Duck does operate in 3, water and ....and duck does also bring into mind I only causeous...and think twice before jumping into new things, and remember that you have to take responsibillity for all your choices and actions, even if you listen to others advises, it is always you who make your own choices.
    The maybe kusthika was totally kind, it did feel me total fearless and it does know I see through, I have done my homework so to I do not mind be looked to speak...I am pure love.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #9
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    Southeast Alaska

    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    Wow. Very well done IA
    All true and accurate, and insightful.
    When I saw it up close it looked like that.
    I'm just like the duck you describe. I've embodied water (and ice), air, and earth. I'm naive for sure- I wish I had complete information rather than just snippets, but gotta work with what Ive got.

    People seem to only see them clearly when they are in water or getting out of it. They seem to be able to shape shift, but have a 'normal' form; long neck, bulbous head, bright yellow, they are real strange looking when they come out of the water. I wonder if they appear black and hard to see only on land. I'm really glad you perceived it as kind. I have been contemplating making a sword for use against them, but I didn't want to have that kind of relationship with them. They seem valuable for learning.

    To me Selene is a white witch who sometimes rides a winged serpent covered in feathers of every color, it has the head of an eagle. She wears a large robe and crown with a upward facing crescent moon. She has helped me out a lot in life like healing with me my sisters dogs from fatal poison. Helping me in dreams- she let me use her sword once. She chased off the being I mentioned earlier (the weapon) at my request. I think she did much more I didnt know about. She lets off a lot of light. A shaman friend of mine mentioned her and was concerned about her 'taking me in. be careful'. She said she "takes in the weary". It is an exclusive collective consciousness.. I think it is her winged serpent, each feather is a person. Shes always been very emotionally mature and pleasant.

  10. #10
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    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    Thank you for your insight Aunt Clair. Im not overlooking it.
    Michael (he introduced himself as Yahoel) did give me a sword connected to him by a cord. It had a red fire mode and a blue fire mode. I did use the red to destroy many negs, and one who was causing my friend to have seizures. I probably didnt use it correctly every time.
    I havent gone to see Yahoel in some time since I felt I was not strong or perceptive enough.

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