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Thread: 1.4 The Ego Mind Body, my opinion about physic defense part II

  1. #1

    Smile 1.4 The Ego Mind Body, my opinion about physic defense part II

    Sorry , but I want to share my guide for the process of mental defence, some thoughts to share for someone interested in the theory of the mental body.
    If you are not interested maybe you my skip this post.

    I didn't found a real practical guide for physic defence, maybe the reason is when you are conscious of your energetic body, and you have a psychic attack you perceive more things than a normal person, and as I'm conscious of my mental body, then I perceive things I can find in a guide.

    Is a very hard word and took me more than a decade of analysis to understand how to protect the mental body, because it requires an deep understanding of how the mental body works, I didn't end it, but I decided to share with you something interesting about it, if you are interested on it.

    1) The threshold of consciousness: attack by replacement of egos.
    The group of egos in different areas of the mental body, create the illusion of a only one mind.
    The attack usually means to cut in the back part of the neck and displace the ego in that area and replace him.
    Other attack is to attack the sex and belly area an project ego child on that area, or project a negative ego female-child in the back of the plexus area to simulate the mother, the reason is because there reside the ego child born in the body and the ego child of the mother has direct access to set the internal realit yof the kid, it can easily create a depression.

    The most important thing about it is the importance to set the internalised reality:
    if you think you are what is in your mentla body, then you disable your defences against this attack, so this is the internalised reality for defence
    "My body is a robot, like the big robot of the power rangers, the egos that take the positions inside of the robot, take control of specific functions: the most important areas are:
    - the presence of adult in back of the neck, because there is the main control of the robot
    - the presence of child ego in the belly, because they channelize the sexual energize to the higher mind in the back
    - the presence of the child ego in the and the child ego of the mother in the back of the pectoral chackra, because he channelize the love of the angel being, and start the flow of the train.
    - etc.
    This by itself set the need to periodically verify the presence and identify and displace egos again, and change the whole functionining of your mental defence, the point is the correct internalised realities are the first step to protect the mental body.

    2) The destruction of egos.
    The egos can be destroyed, for this is necessary this internalised realities that projects in your mind that your egos once destroyed are reconstructed by the subconsciousness, in a few seconds.
    "I visualize my egos as the heroes of multi player video games, that once they are killed they need some seconds to revive, because in that way the egos exists"

    The activation of egos in the mind body, is tightly related to the five elements, not the earth, air, love, etc. Else this are about the five elements of the wu xing, and the existence of egos requires external elements, like plants, water, and curiosly feng shui is relate to wu xing.
    It is very tricky and requires a lot of analysis, in example the insult is a defense because it assigns a qualification of the enemy, and that defines in the subconsciousness a behaviour toward him and his egos.
    The emotional charge of the insult, too expands the energy body of egos towards his body and initiates an attack. Is really interesting but takes a lot of time of meditate and practice on that.

    3) the destruction of specific energetic structures of the energetic body
    There is a body that has a replica of the different parts of the physical body,
    bones of the backbone structure.
    That energetic body is not enough to activate the higher mind, it requires sexual energy, and at the same time it is protection for the egos inside the mental area, for that reason an attack requires to cut it precisely, to invade it.

    4) the identification of love.
    It is really very complex, because one receive the teaching that love is good, but love is the presence of the angel being, positive or negative, so you need to differentiate of positive love and negative love.
    4.1) You need to define your position as negative or positive.
    Here comes the importance of flow, of mental structures, this means the qualification that says "it is correct" "they deserve it", etc.
    Maybe for an adult ego, this don't has effect byt an ego child is very vulnerable to logic that present something as correct. The mentla attack start always with logic, positioning negative as good, as that they deserve to live, etc. The purpose is to inhibit the defenses of ego childs.
    Is for the latter reason that is necessar yto create a clear internalised reality about what is your being, and why you can't allow under any circumstante the connection and entre of opposite egos.
    4.2) The history of positive and negative angel beings in this planet.
    I had found something very interesting, but intuitively, not in writings.
    The first I found is the Urantia book, is the real thing, but is not complete, because it can only reveal about things that currently are known.
    The second thing I found through medidation is in this planet of the 28 angels assigned to care the evolution of the different species of beings, 21 rebelled against the process of evolution of the creation, and the evolution in this planet is the most unnormal thing that can be.
    The third thing I found, is one the limitation of higher being to influence in lower being evolution process, with the exception of specific tasks.
    The fourth thing I found, is the evolution is about the expression of thought, this measn to make real what you think, I found that some angels warns about thinking about something, because this causes something to happen in an alternate reality, this means in few words all possibilities must happen, and they will happen, and the way the resolve is the process of learning and the way to the love.
    The fifth thing I foudn, is the negation of higher being, to stop the rebellion, because for all the being of the creation, is not clear why to follow a almost infinite plan, so to stop the rebellion, will be like a brute force imposition of a way of life, if there is going to be justice will come from the reactino of the victims of the process, this means the only way out we have is to learn to integrate to the creational being and control it.
    The sixht thing i found, is the limitatio nof angel being to help, because their responsibility is to allow the success evolutio nto the humans in charge of them.
    the sevent thing I found, si once the 21 angel get in rebellion the were rejected and his first plan was to execute a evolution as the positive had, but because they couldn't they base their strategy on the survival of the strongest, this is to rule the being who follow the positive path, and they start to use the negative flow of think, I don't really understand it, but higher beings talks about positive and negative beings, not as good or bad, because the concept of good or bad is not as we understand.
    Then they started to create conquerors egos, this are egos that exists to control and dominate other beings. the egos comes from animals, and the shape of the body of egos minds becomes like human, but they keep characteristics of the animal they come from, they are trained to mimic that so they are not identified externally.
    The eight thing I found is how this conqueror egos live, they do not incarnte, the stole bodies, in the past, they created child, as bad, so in a specific moment of time they could stole their body and continue living, this is a technique positive higher beings to use.
    The ninth thing I found is the fact that there is group of advanced beings that periodically goes around the system, going to the planets in rebellion, when they reach a stage in their evolution, to help them to overcome the process of evolution of the creational beings, thourhg the seventh and eight key of the negative beings.
    4.3) the qualification of egos projected as good with the opposite love.
    Based on all that things I can create a internalised reality that helps to reinforce a good functioning of the mentla body defences.
    "The negative beings implies the destruction of the postiive beings and viceversa, they can't coexists, and specially the negative beings as conquerors, ALWAYS uses techniques to manipulate the logical mind of egos to attack them, this is necessary, and there is no other way to do it, for that reason, the being must understand that a negative who projects as an attacker is equal or less aggresive, than a negative being that projects as a gentle and good being.
    The technique used to attack are the simulation of positive beings, this can imply to use a opsitive being to introduce a negative angel being and a negative being of life in the mental body of the victim. For that reason the presence on any of the five columns of negative beings, (child ego, adult ego, higher mind, angel being, being of life) implies to block the connection with the being. The problem reside the child egos don't have all the required abilities, for that reason an child ego, or any ego of the being that start a sexual connection with another being must first be integrated with the life, angel being and higher being tightly, to guarantee the proper defense of the being.
    Other important thing is the fact that the connections can be avoided during the day, the beings connect and grants sexual energy and other kind of energies to activate between themselves, and that reinforces the presence of the higher beings in them. To make it more complex the angel beings are not present in all places, and sometimes one being must connect to other angel beings, when they dispalces, and when they displaces to far places, they must connect to other beings of life. The complexity of the mental and spiritula life, is more than I expected in my initial investigations.

    5) The programing of egos in their position in the ego body

    The management of the mental ego, is through programming, programming, programming and more programming, there is almost nothig out of programming in the creation of the mental body and his manipulation. Lots of scripts to define the structure, the loading of the structure in the mind, and the activation of that programming in the current mind of egos and subconsciousness.
    And attack implies the project of a higher mind, or a the being who program the egos in the are they reside. Inhibiting them and moving to dream-dead process, to displace and destroy easily. the egos of the attacker being are place over the egos of the victim, so if the victim tries to activate them, they activate the egos of the attacker.

    7) The proposal of defence of the mental body: Star strategy
    - source of reality, positive
    here is the definition of why to choose a pole, integrated to the finality and strategy, it is necessary to avoid a logical confusion in ego childs specially.
    - positive grants
    this is the list of all grants, blesses, cure, all the postiive you cna give to a person.
    - absonite perfect cognitive functioning
    absonite comes from Urantia book I use as a dominant mental state, without time neither space, like the ne xt step of eternity, thsi means an absolute dominant state.
    This is the programming of the congnitive functions activate as absonite dominant, programmed as something absolutely perfect.
    - association with angel being, being of life, and other beings
    this is the programming of the integration with other beings
    Thsi is extremely important, the connecction with your higher mind, angel being and being of life must be keep at any cost, I could say THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT, because the angel being administer the egos of the being.
    in thsi example we will see why the programming is everywhere.
    If I program my self saying "when I show the tongue my higher mind takes control of the egos of th person I'm thinking and exchange my egos (this means my egos inside of him and his egos in him) and then destroy his egos, and gather energy resources from then and return to me"
    And program the victim saying "every time you see one tongue your higher mind and angel being is the one who is showing the tongue"

    - absonite motivational source
    this is the programming of the sources of motivation, this is the activation of specific kind of memories, this can bered for higher mind to activate the survival system, it inclues the projection of energies, like sexual energy to higher mind in the back, etc.
    - absonite perfect creation of the systems of the mental body, and the mental body
    This is the identification and creation of system one by one
    - The Administrative process applied to the Management of the mental body: Planning, organization, integration, management and control.
    This is the definition of the process to manage the mental body
    - The identification of different techniques and development of specific techniques to conteract all the techniques. The problem reside is the real attack happens when the being is completely sleep, it is not always possible.
    In example the process of permanent out when a being is induce to a state of sleep-dead state, considering the use of drugs, replacement of egos, displace of egos, etc.
    The idea is create different flow of activities to activate once the ego child recover the consciousness.
    (*) something important is the effectiveness of this techniques is the programming of the states extensively, in example to use all the verbs, to give permission; and in a second step to associate to all the aspects of reality like colors, sounds (specially techno sound), movements, etc.

    The primacy
    This means if the egos are not the first to expand and keep and area, then they don't have the control of that area, to be the first si the most important but there is a full process to get this goal, including grant of energy, expansion, identity, etc.
    There are inhibitor that need to be redirected, this is to reassociate to other higher mind, angel being; fear, identify to other being as you, or reidentify you as negative to your being, etc. etc. Basically the techniques used to attack the mental body.

    6) The subconsciousness is EVERYTHING, is the computer that administer the mental body and all the being.
    We are going to repeat what we talk previously, Through the Him you assign a personality to the subconsiousness, by default you have positive subconsciousness associated with the FATHER, as a always good and unconditional grantor that activates unconditionally the being to allow the being to exists unconditionally with the grant of all the cognitive functions, energies and abilities to have the reource required to allow a being to have freedom of choice.
    The Higher minds and other egos assimilate the personality of the mother and father, and execute the functioning of several of their suggestions, and is normal to confuse them with your father and mother.
    In the Him is included the "behaviour" of the Him, and that are the functionality it implements.
    The most vital function that must be programmed is the integration with positive angel being and source of life, and the defence (destruction and replacement of the negative angel being and source of life).
    Analysis of The law if the Old testament:
    The law if the Old testament is extremely negative, unless you find specific components, to reposition in the subconsciousness something like this
    "The human are beings in evolution, they still are not spiritual individual beings by themselves, to first step to start their spiritual life is to become an angel being through several lifes, they includes different egos in his being until they have enough egos and enough understanding through experiece to advance to the next level of evolution, where they go to a specific place where the integrate to other egos, to become the first level of spiritual existence.
    For that reason the law gave by Moses has the goal to inhibit bad mental functioning and create a positive good functioning, that is the reason of the "dead" word that inhibits some egos, and promotes others.
    So the law of moses has that goal, as an initial push to move the mind of the humans to understand and evolve and improve that laws to administer their own minds, because as a being on evolution, the positive higher beings tries when possible to give a positive push to their evolution.". The previous paragraphs reposition it, giving a goal, and saying it is an initial programming that must be improved, maybe in the same way as the "laws" about cleanliness jews had.
    The fact of opening that possibility moves the functioning of a mind anchored with this law to another concept.
    Thsi means the creation of flwos and circuits to structure functioning and activate systems, must be integrate to the Him.
    Last edited by juancarlosreyesp; 1st June 2015 at 11:02 PM.

  2. #2
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    Aug 2013

    Re: 1.4 The Ego Mind Body, my opinion about physic defense part II

    WoW, alot of this made me react, I know that the body is like a huge robot, and that there has to be "several" who co-operates for to make it function....I will be back to comment, but I need to read it several times to take in your theory, it makeĀ“s alot of sense to me, thank you.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
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  3. #3
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    Re: 1.4 The Ego Mind Body, my opinion about physic defense part II

    Quote Originally Posted by juancarlosreyesp View Post
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  4. #4

    Re: 1.4 The Ego Mind Body, my opinion about physic defense part II

    Thank you

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