-vegan baking fun
-mason jars
-all the facebook wallposts
-being randomly drawn to write a poem last night and following it and coming up with something
-finishing my writing by my deadline
-my style
-getting a workout in
-life feeling calm and quiet
-my kind heart
-talking business ideas with business partner
-enjoying the excitement of all the question marks and wondering where life will be in a month and in two months
-being open to changing plans
-trusting in life and surrendering
-letting go
-feeling physically better after an attack of allergies last night
-all my accomplishments
-my phone
-mobile apps
-creativity and being able to be creative on a continuous basis in my life
-knowing i'm in a place of change,and that it's the quiet before the storm,whatever the storm may be. i just know i'm in that quiet space before a new life emerges for me.
-awesome possibilities
-honest acknlowedgement
-checking in with myself and seeing where i want to be and where i want to go and how i want to change what i'm aligning with
-lavender oil
-appreciation for cats
-my hair
-being smart
-being calm