Meditating using the Lord's Prayer as suggested by Edward Cayce, and the centres to be focused on at the time.

OUR FATHER WHICH ART IN HEAVEN. Pituitary ,brow,(6th). Awareness of Oneness.

HALLOWED BE THY NAME. Pineal, crown,(7th). Awareness of Universal
Consciousness.(that part of self
that identifies with the creator)

THY KINGDOM COME,THY WILL BE DONE. Thyroid, throat,(5th) Awareness of turning self's will
Over to GOD'S will.

IN EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Lower 4 upper 3. Awareness of letting the divine
Part of self manifest in the earth.

GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD. Gonads, (1st)Root. Awareness of having access to that
amount of energy that self can use

AND FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS AS WE Adrenals,( 3rd,). ** Awareness of forgiving self and
FORGIVE OUR DEBTORS. Solar plexus ** others for anything out of harmony.

AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION. Cells of leydig.(2nd). Awareness of being led appropriately
Navel. by the Highr Self.

BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL. Thymus. (4th) Awareness of choosing love of others
Heart. Over selfishness.

FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM. Thyroid. ( 5th ). Awareness of turning self's will
Throat Over to Gods will.

AND THE POWER. Pineal. (7th). Awareness of Christ's Universal
Consciousness .( That part of self
that identifies with the creator)

AND THE GLORY FOREVER. Pituitary. ( 6th ). Awareness of ONENESS.


AMEN. Crown

*** I think this one is an ongoing everyday challenge.

So these 7 endocrine glands serve as conduits of energy between the physical body and the chakras.
Cayce suggested that the Lords Prayer addresses each if these centres promoting optimum movement of kundalini energy during meditation, allowing centres to open and energy to travel through in a way that would not induce harmful karmic memories.
To FEEL the emotion as it s thought.
( this was taken from a very good book by Kevin Todeschi, called Edgar Cayce on Soul Symbolism.Creating Life Seals, Aura Charts and Understanding the Revelation.

Should have known it wouldn't print out the way I organised it. Bit messy but thats computers for you.