-deciding to start having a mason jar of water a day to up the water i drink and detox since i found my mason jars the other day
-a great nap this evening after bad insomnia and not feeling well in the morning
-best friend getting his act together after another fight
-getting food bought for me
-ear feeling better after nap
-crystal singing bowls from my favorite user who makes them on youtube.i feel like these heal my soul
-getting projects planned which is so good for my morale
-smiling and laughing at life
-letting out feeling to my mom about disappointment i had
--the awesome lime green table cloth that matches the color of my flowers
-getting bedroom cleaned a little more
-house ritual almost being done
-all the messages to people which felt good
-the amazing weather today and how great the air felt and how mood boosting it was. it made me feel so alive
-how peaceful the day felt and quiet
-a strong will to live
-seeing how my thoughts over the past months have created my fears which is so relieving
-feeling thoughts of excitement for future things and strong energy of desire which felt nice too because it showed me i'm feeling much more alive and happier
-emotional reaction to things that caused fear diminishing
-feeling more calmness with certain things
-upping cardio in between the day just a smidge here and there
-washing the half of my hair,the bottom half so at least some of my hair can feel clean
-finding out someone from one project i want to do can also do another task as well which is super helpful
-all my health food things and spices at home
-being able to spend four nights in a row at apartment starting tonight which i have a feeling is going to trigger something really good and healing in me
-being helped
-feeling more confident about my ear because of info online about it which i already knew but just hearing how common my problem is,etc,was very reassuring
-my phone
-my laptop
-how great my head has felt since last acupuncture
-trusting in myself and my body a little bit more
-feeling excited for the future
-confidence boosting with some things