Re: Healing my jaw
Probably a good dental exam plus a mold of your teeth/bite, to determine a bite guard that would over a short time realign your out of aligned jaw. Lay-Advice
I've had to do that myself a few years back, as my jaw had become mis-aligned...wherein my misaligning teeth were hitting wrong to the destructive crushing of my molars. A bite guard especially designed to offset the misaligning jaw back to its correct placement...did the trick in just a few months. Rehabilitation
We just do not have the conscious awareness to realign such that is unnaturally and destructively out of wack. Even the very best doc understands when there is a needfull answer through yet another doc. Uncommon Common Sense
And...if you find yourself with your chin resting in either hand fully planted upon one elbow shoving up from your table...waalaa...why your jaw became misaligned through your own one sided shoving about. Prevention
Last edited by Timothy; 16th March 2016 at 01:04 AM.
Of the end the beginning•In the beginning Our Self.
"I can tell you,when people cling to bitterness,there is nothing you can do about it,because it's how they define their power.If he [they] can learn to get power from joy, good-" ~ CFTraveler
"Kundalini is known by many names through different cultures, including The Cosmic Christ.
I think there is only one mechanism built into all humans, but it has been given many names and interpretations." ~ Robert Bruce