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Thread: Help... Astral hijack has taken place! Unable to become soveriegn again

  1. #1

    Help... Astral hijack has taken place! Unable to become soveriegn again


    My astral and possibly more has been hijacked by professional "gangstalking" group ( a term for organized groups that stalks it's victims and destroys their lives). I am in serious trouble as they are removing the "info/energy" in my astral body and possibly etheric body and replacing it with low frequency energy/info.

    Technology and psychic/mentalist skills are being used. Alot of focus in the 2nd chakra and hijack of entire chakra system and CNS/Brain. Downloads directly into brain with high tech as well.

    Please let me know if you can help and if session would be beneficial.

  2. #2

    Re: Help... Astral hijack has taken place! Unable to become soveriegn again


    Welcome to the forums. I genuinely hope you are able to transcend the situation you are currently in.

    You might consider posting this under the Psychic Self Defense Section.

    Also, Robert Bruce has compiled a great resource from his experience and study which he published as a book under the same name -- Psychic Self Defense.

    I don't mean to seem like I am blindly promoting RB here -- the resource really is worth looking into!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Help... Astral hijack has taken place! Unable to become soveriegn again

    Quote Originally Posted by linda View Post

    My astral and possibly more has been hijacked by professional "gangstalking" group ( a term for organized groups that stalks it's victims and destroys their lives). I am in serious trouble as they are removing the "info/energy" in my astral body and possibly etheric body and replacing it with low frequency energy/info.

    Technology and psychic/mentalist skills are being used. Alot of focus in the 2nd chakra and hijack of entire chakra system and CNS/Brain. Downloads directly into brain with high tech as well.

    Please let me know if you can help and if session would be beneficial.
    Hi linda,
    I am not sure if what you decribe is what a group of people I met for many years ago, they did belive in things you decribe, I remember me being so afraid of this, and this group was hunting
    these entities and trying to destroy them, what I did feel was that the group was brainwashed to believe in this threat.
    I couldnĀ“t partisipate in this group because I did not see this to be true, so I left this group of people....but....what my experiences is that when I started to use my own thinking or started to listen to my own higher self or holy spirits voice...when working with energy blockings it feels like something dissapeares when the blockage is solved. It might feel like low frequncy energy because the blockage
    might be very old and "low expereince" and when it it free you get the info of it, and it might come from a different life time as well from a different place of univerce what is very alien to you.
    So you should start to build up trust in the process and faith in your own strength that you will with your own force be okay and nothing bad will happen to you.
    I hope you trust more in your own higher self and the holy of your soul, it is hard to do the cleansing work and it can take what ever feelings and it feels time to time that now I am going crazy
    but develop your trust that all is well and the process is proceeding in right maner.

    I send hope and love and strength to you.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #4

    Re: Help... Astral hijack has taken place! Unable to become soveriegn again

    Thank you. I have his book and that is how I found this site. I will post this at this location as well.

  5. #5

    Re: Help... Astral hijack has taken place! Unable to become soveriegn again

    thank you for your response and your support. Blessings.

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