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Thread: COPY: Astral Time Travel and Possession/Qualia Imprinting

  1. COPY: Astral Time Travel and Possession/Qualia Imprinting


    Ive been doing personal academic research on my own the past few years on this topic and found that this thread talks about what I'm interested in.

    Basically, I've been told that there have been claims made where people have been able to go to the past and make changes and possess your younger self to make a different choice and do something different.

    I've been practicing OBE and Astral Projection and haven't had much luck but have had it happen many years back but was scared back into my body because of the shadow people I ran into outside my garage. I did open the door and go outside but the shadow people stepped in and scared me and I woke up.

    I'm trying to go 10 years back into the past in 2006, specifically the date: 6/6/06, the day before my birthday where I was contemplating as to what to do after high school and wanted to get into college. I basically want to convince myself and tell/possess myself to go to my dad and ask him to help me out with the forms to go to medical school in Mexico so that I can become a MD at a young age and pursue my Ph.Ds after.

    I want to reassure myself that my dad will let me stay with a good family, and that I'll be in a good English speaking area, since it's basically like America and that I'll be able to watch tv, play my games and work out at the time, since the area is no different than the US and is filled with cool international students.

    So basically, I want to do a Astral Projection to that time period and transfer my qualia and memories of now and possess myself to go to medical school so as to keep myself from running into trouble 2 years later that has severely scarred me for life.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: COPY: Astral Time Travel and Possession/Qualia Imprinting

    Hi radicalrave,

    I do not think what I did is what you are asking about, but I´d like to tell you anyhow.

    I call it memory work, to go back to events from my life to get to know the truth what happened.
    I have bean successfull to find events where my parents did not tell me the truth,or I wanted to
    understand my parents seeing and feeling how they felt in the happening situation.

    For example....I was only like 8 months age and I was in the cradle, it was summer night,
    mother sitting and looking out of the window, waiting for father to come home, I had
    swithche to be awake nights and slept all day´s. My mother did not ever hold me in her
    arms only when giving me food or change dipers....I signaled to her to lift up my sholders
    to take me up into her arms, she, you try to sleep, I am here, you are not alone.
    But the truth was that she was waiting for father, I have been so many night all alone awake.

    Or when my parents did say that I have never been in hospital as small shild...this too was
    a lie....I found the memory when I was 1 year and 4 months age...I asked my mother where
    I have bean in a elevator in such a early age. We did live in country-side no elevators.
    When I asked my mother she instantly started to cry, and said, you can not remember this
    you where so tiny....

    I have been lucky when asking my parents who are not here anymore, but that I did be able
    to get help when I hit a memory and they too remembered it, so that was also help to them
    and we did be able to do the forgiveness work together...

    Much luck to you with your work, I will pray for success to you.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. Re: COPY: Astral Time Travel and Possession/Qualia Imprinting

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Hi radicalrave,

    I do not think what I did is what you are asking about, but I´d like to tell you anyhow.

    I call it memory work, to go back to events from my life to get to know the truth what happened.
    I have bean successfull to find events where my parents did not tell me the truth,or I wanted to
    understand my parents seeing and feeling how they felt in the happening situation.

    For example....I was only like 8 months age and I was in the cradle, it was summer night,
    mother sitting and looking out of the window, waiting for father to come home, I had
    swithche to be awake nights and slept all day´s. My mother did not ever hold me in her
    arms only when giving me food or change dipers....I signaled to her to lift up my sholders
    to take me up into her arms, she, you try to sleep, I am here, you are not alone.
    But the truth was that she was waiting for father, I have been so many night all alone awake.

    Or when my parents did say that I have never been in hospital as small shild...this too was
    a lie....I found the memory when I was 1 year and 4 months age...I asked my mother where
    I have bean in a elevator in such a early age. We did live in country-side no elevators.
    When I asked my mother she instantly started to cry, and said, you can not remember this
    you where so tiny....

    I have been lucky when asking my parents who are not here anymore, but that I did be able
    to get help when I hit a memory and they too remembered it, so that was also help to them
    and we did be able to do the forgiveness work together...

    Much luck to you with your work, I will pray for success to you.

    It isn't but i appreciate it.

    I'll keep searching and hoping it works. I need this to happen.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Re: COPY: Astral Time Travel and Possession/Qualia Imprinting

    If you believe in Multiverse theory, you may go back in time and change the past, but it's not going to help you whatsoever because you will also make different choices from that point onward. variables will come into play as to which you actually end up with an outcome that won't affect you at all.

    Basically what I'm saying is that going back into the past and changing it only changes a different reality of your life. They reality you're living in at this point will not change at all. The only thing you can work towards right now is actually going to medical school now and not keep on waiting before the time finally passes and you regret not going at all.

    I know I may be a little blunt here, but people are always trying to make excuses for what happened in the past. You can't keep holding onto the past mistakes. You should've learned from what happened and carried on to pursue your dreams of receiving your Doctorates and living a life of a full time Doctor.

    I say right now to remember that past mistake and continue onward.

  5. Re: COPY: Astral Time Travel and Possession/Qualia Imprinting

    I can't, not under current circumstances, which is WHY I'm doing it.

    It CAN be done. Current situations are barring me from going.

    All the more reason WHY I'm still going to achieve it and still go for it.

    And no, I don't believe in Multiverse theory or other man made constructs and theories since they are limited in understanding. I won't imprison myself trying to comprehend something when I know and believe I can go and fix it and get to where I wanted to be years ago.

    The end.

  6. #6

    Re: COPY: Astral Time Travel and Possession/Qualia Imprinting

    I think the only "person" who can tell you exactly* what you need to do is the Akashic Librarian , she/he/it have a lot of people who turn up and want to rectify the past (mostly people who aren't even aware they are projecting and their immense grief or loss or an intense urge to rectify the past inadvertently leads them to the Akashic Librarian).

    For instance a grieving mother who recently lost her teenage son , goes to bed , hugging onto her grief and projects with the urge to have done better in the past.
    The grief severs as resolve and the urge to rectify serves as her guide towards the AR-librarian , who then asses the situation and accordingly guides the mother to the relevant part of the library.
    What happens next isn't known , some people wake up with the all the exact directions to time travel and past-possession but dismiss them as bunk or "weird dreams" , also often times when these people share their information with their significant others or whomever they tell it of to , they are told these are their "escape mechanisms for coping with the grief" .
    What happens to the people when they are in the relevant part of the library depends mostly on how strongly the person involved was meant to have this experience and how genuinely they qualify for a "do-over"

    There are innumerable threads about time travel and the modus operandi to each is different.My personal favorite is the one I outlined.

  7. Re: COPY: Astral Time Travel and Possession/Qualia Imprinting

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkChylde View Post
    I think the only "person" who can tell you exactly* what you need to do is the Akashic Librarian , she/he/it have a lot of people who turn up and want to rectify the past (mostly people who aren't even aware they are projecting and their immense grief or loss or an intense urge to rectify the past inadvertently leads them to the Akashic Librarian).

    For instance a grieving mother who recently lost her teenage son , goes to bed , hugging onto her grief and projects with the urge to have done better in the past.
    The grief severs as resolve and the urge to rectify serves as her guide towards the AR-librarian , who then asses the situation and accordingly guides the mother to the relevant part of the library.
    What happens next isn't known , some people wake up with the all the exact directions to time travel and past-possession but dismiss them as bunk or "weird dreams" , also often times when these people share their information with their significant others or whomever they tell it of to , they are told these are their "escape mechanisms for coping with the grief" .
    What happens to the people when they are in the relevant part of the library depends mostly on how strongly the person involved was meant to have this experience and how genuinely they qualify for a "do-over"

    There are innumerable threads about time travel and the modus operandi to each is different.My personal favorite is the one I outlined.
    That's some interesting information, do you mind if you could please help share and find some of that information on here? This is rather new to me.

    I feel like I would qualify for a do-over in all honesty...

    Rather, do you think you could please be more specific and guide me exactly to what you're talking about?

    I am unable to clearly comprehend or be able to see or find what you're talking about on here, even though you're being plain as day and need a bit more narrow and finer clarity behind the point you're trying to make. What you're saying is a bit too broad and not specific enough for me to comprehend and understand the point you're trying to make for me to come and see.

    What exactly did you outline?

  8. #8

    Re: COPY: Astral Time Travel and Possession/Qualia Imprinting

    Search for "Akashic Records" , here or elsewhere , that ought take you to what you're looking for.

  9. Re: COPY: Astral Time Travel and Possession/Qualia Imprinting

    DarkChylde, I wanted to ask you:

    Have you come across any stories personally where you or others experienced these things and actually been able to manifest and shift these things?

    Basically: I do believe I can access the akashic records in the higher spiritual realm and can receive the knowledge to do so and actually travel back into 2006.

    Anything is possible in this world, as I've come to see in my limited lifetime of 27 years, but in all honesty, what accounts have you come across where people were given insight and actually used it and achieved said things?

  10. #10

    Re: COPY: Astral Time Travel and Possession/Qualia Imprinting

    AuntClair did , her thread even has pictures of the library.

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