-how symbolic and metaphorical life is,it really is quite interesting!
-the delicious pizza slices i had today
-great weather today
-getting my writing draft done to 50% after meditating,which felt good and deciding i will now make it part of my schedule to work on writings at 9pm everyday.i like that time for working on writing.
-having coffee and sour patches while doing a ton of driving practice tests online this afternoon. then doing more practice tests online in the evening. i'm getting better at absorbing the information
-emails from S
-getting more garbage taken out today
-perspective that it's only been about 3 years of living in the area i'm in now anyways,and before that i did a lot of things while living further,and so somehow i'll be able to make it work
-meditation today.i did about 3 short sessions today,and now in some sessions i also pray,and then think of 5 things i'm grateful for
-doing 2 short feel it real visualization sessions while waiting for best friend's dad at the post office. i like things like this. i need to get used to doing little spiritual "exercises" throughout the day even when busy with other things,since lots of people have been far busier then me and managed to have ease manifesting and success.
-getting more stuff moved out of the house
-my sandals
-my style
-being physically attractive
-being flexible
-staying calm when feeling tested today by business partner,and just overall calmer in general lately. maybe it's the meds,or the meditation,or just feeling reset after all that's now gone down
-being able to savor the little things other seem to take for granted like how great the sun felt on me today,how great the nightsky felt on me,the flavors in the pizza,the satisfaction in having things string together nicely after meditating and going to my writing draft,the visual appreciation of the shape of the trees and the color of the green leaves that reminded me of candy. feelings.i remember feeling this way back when i first discovered meditation,too. everything just felt more intense and lively.