-feeling like everything will be ok
-my hair
-doing a cycling class that gave me a nice healthy flush and then a yoga class. i'm so excited for my life to turn more fitness focused
-delicious banana protein drink made for me
-best friends mom "M" offering me if i'd want to go to california for a month to help take care of her grandfather and that she'd give me money too so i could do stuff too since she knows how much i like california. was quite a tempting offer. this too felt very familar as if it happened before.
-getting more stuff moved out of apartment
-getting a bunch of interview requests and responses for jobs i applied to when i woke up this morning. was super reassuring.
-getting two phone interviews done today for possible work
-seeing the pool at the gym,and just seeing it putting me in a good mood. just the smell of chlorine puts me in a good mood.
-the beautiful nightskies
-best friend's mom's M's nice friend who goes to her yoga classes
-being told i have very long legs today
-the black tank top i wore today and how good it looked on me.i looked so slim,young,and feminine. it's such a perfect cut. it made me have the perfect model build.
-having an amazing body structure. i love the lines of my body
-choosing a health plan for the insurance and enrolling myself in it
-that i'll soon have a bike and best friend's dad bringing it up today. i can really see myself riding it and going far
-my body looking slimmer from all the workouts i've been doing
-being inspired to make my finances really good from all that's gone on and to really love money
-that M told me the manager of gym is going to call me and to just tell him i can handle the situation professionally
-vegan chocolate toffee
-getting papers printed
-getting clothes thrown in wash and then dryer
-having my mom visit for a bit