-having a job now as volunteer/work trade at the yoga studio and how well i feel i vibed at the training and how easy it all seemed and how nice the studio was. as soon as i got there,i just knew right away,i wanted to work there
-amusement at some stranger who worked there taking the elevator with me when he found out i was phobic when i asked a question about the stairs and then asking me out
-being complimented by M that i look nice today and like i'm going to a modeling job
-my chic business casual/sporty outfit of all black and my sense of style
-blowdrying my hair out and how nice it makes me feel
-seeing the cat i like again today that lives next door
-having a protein drink made for me
-how many awesome things have been happening for me lately
-brownies from whole foods
-nice weather today
-feeling like life is an adventure
-how it feels like everything is working out for me,and that for the volunteership that didn't seem to work out at one gym,i now have a volunteership at a yoga studio downtown at a really nice studio so that's even nicer then the original thing and now the bike ex best friend took that he said i could have before i now have an new bike in a color i love. both of these things are things i loved upon first sight and feel like an upgrade from the original and the original felt like things ruined/taken away from R and/or ex best friend so it feels nice to see life providing me with even better in it's place and things even more in alignment with me
-rest. don't know why i'm so tired lately. maybe i'm doing more,or maybe it's the anxiety
-how tight my body is getting from all the classes