-neck stretches
-that D's trip is over in a day or so and all is well
-getting a lot done today
-mom cat having her kittens tonight and being able to be there for her. it was a new experience for me to see,and it was beautiful.
-feeling like a '-----" (job from primary career) again
-making another appt with therapist
-getting doctor appt made
-getting new agency signed and confirming a job already with them
-healthy digestion
-getting an email that a check is on it's way from a recent job
-that I have a ride to my interview tomorrow
-positive possibilities
-the internet
-doing some mirror affirmations this afternoon
-getting article completed
-catching up on emails today
-getting more things organized and how good that always feels
-face yoga
-how amazing my new hair color looks
-being in a good mood