-ice cubes
-EFT tapping
-my peacock print eyepillow
-deciding to stop taking zyprexa
-all the things i feel like i can do now that i held back maybe on a subconscious level because of ex best friend or just held back the last few years in general such as dating tall guys,going to nyfw again,buying another high end designer item,and so much more.
-buying myself a chanel lipgloss that just seemed perfect
-getting a ride to work today
-hot guys
-my attractiveness. all the time i wonder if i'm really ugly,but all the time i am hit on so i tell myself i can't be that bad looking and i'm probably very attractive.
-my new black dress pants i wore to work today
-buying some vegan halloween chocolates i wanted the other day
-doing another anxiety challenge the other day and feeling almost ready to take the train which will be the first time in 3 years. it'll be a huge step for me.
-dental floss
-peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
-all the abundance life has been offering me lately. the money section of my life is excelling so much right now.i had been affirming heavily for money and love for the last few years so maybe now is the time for the money manifestations to be kicking in and unfolding. it feels so nice.
-how nice it feels to go and do little things by myself and how much more confident and competant i'm becoming
-buying a beautiful and inspiring artwork from france i had been eyeing for some time. it makes me think of my loved one who had passed on playing in heaven
-TV episodes of a show i've been watching online
-deep cleansing breaths
-getting final draft finished on article i was working on
-doing a pilates class yesterday
-fitness motivation
-how nice and helpful everyone was at my job today
-seeing G at the yoga studio the other day. it definitely boosted my mood and made my day. such a small gesture but it also showed me how i can use my thought transference with him.i slightly forced myself to think of him while there just for a few seconds thinking along the lines of "wouldn't it be nice it he showed up today." and "maybe he'll show up today." and then sure enough,that manifested. i feel like i need to not give up and use things like this to show me the world is mine,and i can have what i want and things show up because it's my desires seeking me. They wouldn't even show up if it wasn't for them seeking me. There's a quote along the lines of "Before you are called,you are answered." Our desires are not a coincidence. I get the feeling now that he may think i wasn't interested that one time he chatted with me. I don't have that ease of conversing and sunny personality like my boss.
-hot coffee