Im back to first add a thought about these goings on with the i pad from time to time.
These incidents may just be a bioenergetic cause which is well documented by others.
Electronic devices are known to play up sometimes in physical but those working in this field of energy development may experience these events more frequently.

Am I reading too much in this when I point out that just the previous day I had been watching an advert a few times that day about the Northern Lights and during the advert they are riding on the snow on one of their sleighs and I was wishing I could go there and experience riding in the crisp white snow with all the beautiful colours in the sky?

How many times will I have to use the word 'Coincidence 'because it sounds more grounding?
This isn't Coincidence , it's more than that.Important decisions have been prompted by the I pad.

Page 31
16th AUGUST 2014.
I wrote a truth but thought I was writing something else.

Page 32
21st August 2014.
Writing with eyes closed... encouraged to go vegan.

28th August 2014.
Writing with eyes closed... question was answered.

Page 33
28thAugust 2014.
When writing word Cann't unexplainable used capital letters for the word.( emphasising the point)

5th October 2014.
Same happens again.

Page 43)
6th June 2015.
Eyes closed question answered...guided towards the bible.

Page 46)
27th October 2015.
Answer given to question " Kindness" and also synchronicity starts up here.

11th November 2015.
Advice written

Page 4
2nd January 2016
Question answered...kristnamurti

Page 55)
19th August 2016
Synchronicity Michael Jackson dream and radio.

Page 5
19th November 2016
Music on I pad starts up.synchronicity concerning dream.

24th December 2016
Unexplainable message flashes up on ipad followed by synchronicity of woman on telly seconds later saying same words..'Twas the night before xmas'.

Finally the previous post above about the Song starting up about Sleigh Ride and watching tv wishing I could go there.

Ive had to do this for my own benefit so now I know this is REAL.
Still haven't had time to finish previous post about my Inspirational request having been heard by higher people.

Back to edit.. I notice I have MR Smiley face again twice but shows normal at time of writing so will put page number here.

2nd January 48
19th November 58

( I think the smiley face is a technical problem as I notice it concerns the figure 8 both times