I'm staying strong but some moments of the day I feel powerless as if it's literally in my core,my solar plexus. When I felt myself shifting out of my vibe earlier,I made sure to practice telepathy on the way to work and it helped me get back up again.
-body movement
-my eyeglasses
-working today
-my job making me feel more attractive. when a bunch of hot guys want to take a picture with you,and say things like can it be on their facebook,it's bound to make you feel a little better about yourself.
-getting another check in the mail today
-getting two free shirts from work today
-having been getting more independent in this last year
-my heart chakra spray
-my escentric 02 fragrance,it's been my favorite of the moment
-all my outdoor cats
-ordering some dinner out today for delivery
-TV episode online
-warm weather today
-having this really weird experience AGAIN that's kind of trippy-today,I seen dad cat and he looked different again. NOT the cat who we keep thinking is him that lost a lot of weight lately. This one lets us get a little closer to him,but still very feral and he's bigger like we remember dad being,with more of a golden look to some of his brown. So,who the heck is that cat we keep seeing who we think is dad cat that we thought lost weight that some of the kid cats go by? I remember recently thinking when seeing that cat gosh,S kitten(who went missing) looks exactly like dad. She always has looked like dad,but that cat made me think especially so. So,is this S kitten? I had been praying and affirming we'd find her andshe'd find her way home. I even had a serendipity thing that sometimes happen before manifestations where a similar or minor version happens before it,and we did some across a friendly tiger print cat who came to our yard twice about a month ago or so.This one had some white on it so we knew it wasn't her. This cat looks exactly like dad,but smaller and S kitten would've gotten bigger by now,and some of our cats have been going by the cat. When she returned she could've easily returned to the 2nd home spot mom cat has which is somewhere across the alley wherever dad goes. Half our cats spend more time there. If it had been months,she could've just felt too scared to start coming up to us again. She always was a more timid one then my T kitten. The cats all always go back and forth who they bond most with,too. It's always seemed like the more feral of our cats go more by dad and the softer ones stay in our yard more. Unless this is just some weird matrix glitch but my mind was blown when I seen dad cat in yard. It was NOT the same skinny cat I had kept seeing. I had been feeling worry for months hoping the cat I thought was dad was ok because he had looked skinnier. Plus,this cat has been around...kinda often. Won't eat around us but probably does eat. Dad cat is a lot more irregular with how often he comes around.
-hot guys
-dimmer lights
-confirming 2 jobs today
-more signs M's husband is on my side
-trying on my new mint green hoodie and how great it made my skin look
-my curves