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Thread: I've made progress in healing others

  1. #1

    I've made progress in healing others

    So Lately people have been asking for scans and healing on the BALG forum where EA koetting is.

    I tel folks that I can't promise anything, I'll give it my best try, and yet they are getting healed. I've had a interesting number of successes and results from people with different aliments.

    So I've decided to make a sire where people can go and ask me for this, I know I'm opening a can of worms but, If anyone who like a healing I'm offering the service to the best of my ability. I can't promise anything, am this is a free offering on the table
    It is my destiny to play an infinity of roles, but I'm not the roles I play, I am the Spirit that plays these roles

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: I've made progress in healing others

    Quote Originally Posted by IronGega View Post
    So Lately people have been asking for scans and healing on the BALG forum where EA koetting is.

    I tel folks that I can't promise anything, I'll give it my best try, and yet they are getting healed. I've had a interesting number of successes and results from people with different aliments.

    So I've decided to make a sire where people can go and ask me for this, I know I'm opening a can of worms but, If anyone who like a healing I'm offering the service to the best of my ability. I can't promise anything, am this is a free offering on the table
    Hi IronGega

    I´d like some healing from you.

    Do I have to ask or tell what fault I want you to heal...or do you give healing and what happens happens...or are you more specific about that you know what will be healed??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #3

    Re: I've made progress in healing others

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Hi IronGega

    I´d like some healing from you.

    Do I have to ask or tell what fault I want you to heal...or do you give healing and what happens happens...or are you more specific about that you know what will be healed??

    Nope, just tell me if you feel any better after wards.
    It is my destiny to play an infinity of roles, but I'm not the roles I play, I am the Spirit that plays these roles

  4. #4
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    Re: I've made progress in healing others

    Quote Originally Posted by IronGega View Post
    So Lately people have been asking for scans and healing on the BALG forum where EA koetting is.

    I tel folks that I can't promise anything, I'll give it my best try, and yet they are getting healed. I've had a interesting number of successes and results from people with different aliments.

    So I've decided to make a sire where people can go and ask me for this, I know I'm opening a can of worms but, If anyone who like a healing I'm offering the service to the best of my ability. I can't promise anything, am this is a free offering on the table
    Hi IronGega,

    Would you like to work with a ferret & a dog ?

    i have both who are coming towards the end of their 'this' Earth-Life-cycle...

    Our dog, rarely shows severe symptoms yet, but our little ferret is very 'gurgly' with her breathing.

    She is on water tablets to help her body remove the excess fluid building up continuously within her body. She has fluid build up in her lungs (as diagnosed by our efficient Vet)

    If you want to work / heal our pets & you need / or would like more info. on anything.... just ask......

    Otherwise, i'll leave the 'healing' in your capable hands
    (feel well)

    ... with Love..
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  5. #5
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    Aug 2013

    Re: I've made progress in healing others

    Quote Originally Posted by IronGega View Post
    Nope, just tell me if you feel any better after wards.
    Hi IronGega...

    I felt a jank in my liver...have you started the healing??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #6
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    Re: I've made progress in healing others

    Hi IronGega,

    Events & changes began very quickly:

    Yuki began snuffling very noisely, she was grooming herself.

    She flumped out of her sleeping hammock, heavily hitting the cage floor.

    Next [i fuucked up] i JUST managed to get to the 'dog' before he lunged at Yuki [to attack her]... i JUST managed to 'grab' his snout before it opened & snapped, he gave two growl warnings as she got closer to the sofa he was sitting on.

    So we cleared 'some more of that' ''my fuuck-ups''..... i was in shock/PANIC

    So yep, dog did not eat the ferret, thankgod!

    Yuki & i are in a new physical situation space after the healing request- big difference..... just hope i can 'keep it safe' else 'what's the point !'

    i am able to engage with her more 'naturally' & allow her to 'show me more' so i can 'follow' her lead...

    improvements in our situation....
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  7. #7

    Re: I've made progress in healing others

    Yup I usually do it the before i post
    It is my destiny to play an infinity of roles, but I'm not the roles I play, I am the Spirit that plays these roles

  8. #8

    Re: I've made progress in healing others

    Quote Originally Posted by newfreedom View Post
    Hi IronGega,

    Would you like to work with a ferret & a dog ?

    i have both who are coming towards the end of their 'this' Earth-Life-cycle...

    Our dog, rarely shows severe symptoms yet, but our little ferret is very 'gurgly' with her breathing.

    She is on water tablets to help her body remove the excess fluid building up continuously within her body. She has fluid build up in her lungs (as diagnosed by our efficient Vet)

    If you want to work / heal our pets & you need / or would like more info. on anything.... just ask......

    Otherwise, i'll leave the 'healing' in your capable hands
    (feel well)

    ... with Love..

    how often does the ferret go outside
    It is my destiny to play an infinity of roles, but I'm not the roles I play, I am the Spirit that plays these roles

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: I've made progress in healing others

    Quote Originally Posted by IronGega View Post
    Yup I usually do it the before i post
    Hi IronGega...

    Was this post towards me??

    and if it was...

    How do you want me to understand it??....

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: I've made progress in healing others

    Quote Originally Posted by IronGega View Post
    how often does the ferret go outside
    it used to be once a day for 10 / 20 mins. the last yr or so cause that's all she can manage 'freely' by herself.

    [she used to usual spend almost an hr in a ferret cage in the garden, when we would have our boy ferrets out to exercise]

    in her early years we would put her in our outside ferret shed for hours at a time.

    She has had adrenal disease, and two years ago had an implant put into her to help this condition.

    the last years she has also shown signs of the pancreas condition [the name avoids me, do with sugar regulation]


    A few weeks ago she escaped the house & the garden & was out in the neighbourhood rambling around, she must of been gone a good 20 mins. before i saw her legging it up the green infront of our property.

    'little madamn'

    she has not been outside much these last several days, i haven't 'managed' much... i am too 'knackered or not able to ensure her safety.
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

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