-having the day off and client being understanding of me not working and keeping me booked on other dates she has me for
-watermelon slices candy
-going to visit my mom today and seeing her cats
-deciding to rent myself a movie to watch
-deciding to go ahead and just buy myself a new mattress since i've been wanting to for awhile
-my outdoor cats
-that my naps are not lasting as long
-M taking me to the pool with her
-noticing that when i accept/surrender to something i don't like,it disappears. again,today she was going to go out with ex best friend which made me think he might come to the house but i mentally calmed myself down and said who cares/it doesn't matter and sure enough he cancelled on her.
-M saying she will give me some extra money for my upcoming trip
-having money
-feeling ready for my upcoming trip
-iced almond milk hazelnut lattes
-my beauty
-feeling at peace today
-buying my mom a coffee and putting some gas in her car
-dental floss
-getting a black bean burger with cheese and sweet potato fries for dinner
-my gucci slides
-my dolce&gabbana sunglasses
-giving my mom the cake dish that i have no use for
-being a positive person
-being playful
-cuddling with cats
-listening to my hypnosis audios this morning
-my style
-my accomplishments
-deep cleansing breaths
-drinking less soda today
-being awake
-my goals
-improved digestion
-gossiping/chatting with a work colleague in text today
-growing as a person