-R saying more crazy things like he thinks i'm like a soul mate.
-R saying all the time i'm his which is cute
-when R used a lint roller on my pants the other day. i remember those quirks of his and they are hilarious.
-R saying all these sweet things to me that make me feel good
-seeing R again he was there first at starbucks and insisted on paying for my coffee order. We ended up going back to his place which i didn't want to do. He tried to take a pic of me with his dog which is crazy. What if his fiancee sees that? We ended up kissing and hugging and me having my face in his neck and him saying thank you when we hugged which im not sure what that meant.
-R saying he wants to buy me sweets online and that it'll be a surprise.
-getting my big box of candy i ordered in the mail
-vegan burritos
-getting my new silver sneakers in the mail
-working tommorow
-my style
-making up for all the jobs i lost
-exceeding my savings goal for the month which means next month will be easier
-getting my body scrub in the mail
-M buying me the k2 vitamins
-l kitten looking a lot better today and healthier
-cuddling with my cats
-M putting more money in my account
-using per diems to make my account a little healthier
-iced hazelnut almond milk lattes
-my phone
-people to text
-physical exercise
-warm showers
-doing another challenge even on day i seen R. i took usual train but got off on a different stop just to get more comfortable with the trains
-getting a check in the mail today
-hot guys
-some kind of attractive guy kissing me on the head today at work
-having a cool job
-laughing at life
-updating my web portfolios a bit
-doing some reading
-meditating last night
-warm showers