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  1. #11


    -the sun
    -realizing i need to get off this valium asap and starting the tapering process
    -all the ways J shows he still does love me and misses me
    -going to the gym with M the other night
    -M's friend D taking me to the haunted house her friend's husband does
    -my strength
    -physical exercise
    -my amazing landlord
    -my money being better
    -that i'm healing
    -M's husband giving me a ride to work yesterday
    -happy memories and the love i've experienced in my life
    -powerful things to think about
    -spiritual awakenings
    -letting things unfold
    -optimism and looking on the bright side
    -deep cleanings breaths
    -being productive
    -artistic expression
    -writing things down
    -my cats
    -my lip injections
    -getting dumbbells finally last month
    -seeing my body get sculpted
    -flattering pictures of me
    -positive, happy realizations
    -chemical peels
    -listening to my higher self
    -my phone
    -dedicating myself to being kindness and love
    -my large household plant
    -the cute little pumpkin M gave me shortly after i mentioned i was thinking of getting myself a baby pumpkin for my apartment
    -how much i've grown as a person in the last year
    -dedicated myself to releasing/shedding away things i need to let go of after my higher self telling me this recently and deciding to work on feeling more fully
    -my balcony
    -getting through a more tougher job for me yesterday
    -beautiful sounds
    -closing my eyes
    -my black tea age delay face cream
    -the signs of feeling very connected to J including the dreams, and feeling guided to contact him when i did
    -the sound of J's voice
    -being smart
    -motivating things to remind myself of
    -yoga and deep slow stretches
    -having a laundry machine in the building
    -my feminine nature
    -my cuteness
    -my talents and gifts i can offer the world
    -all the random kindness and miracles i've experienced recently
    -M's friend creating such a cute moment. I complained the day after the drama in my life started late august about being in physical pain, heart broken and how my wind chimes don't even chime,and he told me to bring the wind chimes and we will throw them in the street and go for a drive. Well, that night he said he would take it and see if he could find a way to fix it to make sound. Well,about a week ago he offered to bring me home and said he needed to stop at his house and so when we stopped he asked if i could hear that, and right away,i could. It was the sound of wind chimes. We got out and he had fixed mine to make sound and it was hanging on his tree. I then went in his apartment and he gave me a new,very nice looking windchime that was made by a professional percussionist. The little thoughtful things like that are so beautiful to me.
    -meeting nice people
    -communicativeness and after years of being a person that let a lot of things go unspoken, becoming a person that now just lets it all out, even if it will be embarrassing a little, because it's just my truth, and after losing it all again in 2016, i just no longer care about holding back.
    Last edited by buttercup; 14th October 2018 at 03:23 PM.

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