-my lip injections
-support from others
-how my skin looks with my airbrush tan
-deciding i want to become more eco-conscious
-interesting environmental articles
-cleaning and organizing my fridge
-going for walks
-trolling others and how funny it is and laughing
-my beauty
-being sexy
-getting a check in my account yesterday that covers my rent for the month
-having nice hair
-getting a good amount of jobs from one of my regular agencies these days which will help for next month's finances
-wearing my new cat bracelet i bought recently today
-hanging out with m's husband today after he helped me run an errand and going with him to run an errand then we went to lunch
-my bed
-ice cold water
-my fashion sense
-my strawberry kitchen sponges
-iced almond milk lattes
-being easy on myself
-my medications
-my gucci slides
-having cool companies to work for
-having things to look forward to
-letting myself recover even if it's just slightly
-my creativity
-entertainment to watch on youtube and hulu
-unique tastes
-remembering fun