-buying some new lingerie and getting a great deal on some really cute stuff
-feeling like i'm being flirted with more often again
-my white rose bear and galaxy rose which is so pretty i got from dose of roses
-being talented
-the little heater in my apartment
-drinking water
-clean clothes
-brushing and blow-drying my hair
-using rose bubbles to set intentions in the morning
-having nice curves
-getting paid the other day and it unexpectedly being a much bigger check then i expected
-hoodies and sweaters
-iced almond milk lattes
-vegan food
-R from bumble app
-physical exercise
-staying strong
-paying off a balanace yesterday
-the ability to see/eyesight
-getting my lip mask in the mail today
-the ferulic acid and reserveratrol serum i've been using
-being kind
-being self-aware
-how great my botox has been looking
-having great taste in things
-buying a new kitchen garbage can
-taking some actions
-my authenticity
-having character and integrity
-my lips
-laughing at life
-my femininity
-being unique
-M's husband giving me a ride to jobs